Bonus Kisses - Freya Barker Page 0,54


“Aren’t you out on calls today?”

“They can stay in the truck, or maybe Lisa won’t mind keeping them at the office for a bit.”

She shakes her head. “No, I can handle them. I’ll simply crate them when I go to get groceries.” Right. Taz’s new friend, Meredith, and her husband are coming for dinner. “Want some coffee?”

“Mmm.” I drop a kiss on her mouth and let her go before stepping into the laundry room to grab the broom.

The dogs are under the coffee table, either asleep or doing a good job at pretending to be. I leave them be while I clean up the mess they made.

“Did you talk to Nathan?” I ask when she hands me my cup.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that last night.”

Probably because I barely let her come up for air. I grin at the memory of eating sandwiches in bed for dinner at around ten or so. Buck naked. If it were up to me, Taz would never wear clothes at home, but with the kids coming home next week, that’s not an option. In fact, we’ll probably have to get used to not touching each other all the time again. I love my kids and miss them, but that’s one part I’m not looking forward to.


“He’s looked at the schedule and says if I can pick up a few extra shifts before and after, I can probably have most, if not all, of the last week of July.”

Taz had been immediately on board when we discussed taking the kids camping, it had been a matter of being able to take time off so soon after starting her new job. I find myself getting even more excited at the prospect of spending time in the outdoors with the kids and her, now I know we can start planning.

“I’ll tell Lisa to keep that week clear. I have an intern starting next week, in time for when the kids get back, so we should be covered.” I notice a pensive look steal over Taz’s face. “What’s wrong?”

She seems startled at my question and shakes her head. “Nothing really. I’ve just been thinking about logistics. I mean, I get that things will go back the way they were once the kids are back, but what about when we go camping? You said you have a tent, but maybe we should get a second one?”

I don’t need to ask why she’s suggesting it. Hell, I’ve been wondering how to introduce our changed relationships to the kids myself, but I’d hoped perhaps the camping trip would be a good time to ease them into it.

I step close to her and put my hands on her hips. “First of all, things can’t go back the way they were. It would be an impossibility.” I quickly press a finger to her lips when I see she’s about to protest. “Hear me out. I don’t plan on flaunting us in front of anyone, but if you think I can go any stretch of time without touching you, you’re nuts. We’ll be careful, but don’t ask me to go cold turkey. Not now that I’ve become addicted.” She shows a pleased little smile in response. “As for camping, the tent I have is big, and having only the one makes it perfectly justifiable for us all to sleep in one space, including the dogs. The kids likely won’t even question it.”

“What about after? When we get home?”

“One step at a time, Sweets.” I lean down and give her a hard kiss on the lips. “I’ve gotta run, but call me if you need me.”

Tagging my mug, I pick up my phone and my keys and make for the back door. I’ve barely stepped outside when I hear Taz’s voice behind me.

“Drop that, Stitch! Bad dog!”

I’m still grinning when I walk into the clinic.

“Do I wanna know?” Lisa questions me right away.

“The pups are teething and keeping Taz busy.”

“You know,” she says, leaning her chair back as she scrutinizes me. “You have been unusually upbeat this week. Almost nauseatingly giddy at times, if you must know the truth. Anything I missed?”

I meet her raised eyebrow with one of my own, but since I still have a grin on my face it’s not nearly as effective. “Can you book me off last week of July? The intern can maybe cover the walk-in clinic, and for emergencies we can always call on Rick Moore.”

“So Taz got the week off?”

The way she asks the question leaves Copyright 2016 - 2024