Bonus Kisses - Freya Barker Page 0,49

is Meredith.”

“Nice to meet you,” the friendly brunette says before focusing her attention back on Taz. “Now that we’ve got introductions out of the way, am I getting an invitation for next time you make that…whatever chicken? I’m getting sick of my own cooking and Buck, my husband, would eat the ass out of a rhinoceros as long as you put in front of him.”

“I’m sorry,” Taz apologizes grinning. “I don’t think I have a recipe for rhinoceros, but I’d love to have you over for Moambe Chicken. If that’s okay with you,” she suddenly adds, throwing a tentative glance my way.

“Of course it is.”

After the two girls exchange phone numbers, Taz and I make our way over to the lineup at the cash register.

“Sorry for putting you on the spot, I probably should’ve checked with you first,” she says in front of me.

I lean down so my head is next to hers. “I thought I’d made it clear; it’s your home too.”

I can’t help notice her little shiver when my lips brush the shell of her ear.

Two excited pups greet us when we walk in the house, and Taz seems eager to take them out back for a little relief. To say she’s been tense on the way home is an understatement.

While she’s looking after the dogs, I haul the rest of the groceries into the house and put them away. When she still hasn’t come in once that task is complete, I head outside.

She’s sitting on the bottom step, her arms folded protectively around her knees, while watching Lilo, who appears to be chasing something in the grass. Stitch is lying at her feet, his little tail wagging when he sees me.

Taz doesn’t move when I make my way down the steps and take a seat right behind her, stretching my legs on either side of her. Sliding both hands under that heavy mane of hers, I feel the tension in her shoulders and neck. Without saying a word, I start working on the knots until her body relaxes under my hands.

“Thanks.” She tilts her head back to smile up at me. “I feel like Jell-O now.”

“Perfect,” I mumble, even as I open my mouth over hers.


Is it possible to taste desire?

I swear, when Rafe slides his tongue in my mouth it’s all I can taste.

No tentative probe, or dominant claim, but a confident, purposeful message I instinctively recognize in the deep bold strokes.

I turn my body slightly so my back is braced against one of his thighs, reaching up to curl my fingers around his neck. A soft growl against my mouth is his response.

With one hand he cups the back of my head, while sliding the other down the stretched column of my neck to spread wide and possessively on my chest. I almost whimper, wanting to feel his touch reach my breast, but Rafe doesn’t appear to be in any hurry.

When he finally lifts his head, I look up into his eyes—dark indigo with want—and a deep satisfaction settles over me.

That look is for me. His need is for me.

“God, you’re beautiful.” The words just fall from my mouth and he almost looks surprised.

“That’s supposed to be my line,” he rumbles with a soft smile, as he bends his head toward me.

Unfortunately Stitch picks that moment to tug the rubber flip-flop off my foot and takes off running, his sister on his heels. I jump up and give chase, to Rafe’s great hilarity. He laughs when I dive to rescue my footwear from those sharp little teeth, and end up on my face in the grass.

The little bugger is fast, every now and then stopping to fiercely shake his newfound toy, before darting off again. Lilo happily follows him, ears flopping and tongue lolling, content to toddle behind.

When I finally give up and lie back on the grass, listening to Rafe’s chuckle, Stitch runs over and drops his trophy on my stomach.

“You’re a little turd,” I scold him. It makes no impression at all, his little body is wiggling with excitement as he tries to lick my face.

“All right, enough of that,” Rafe announces.

I twist my head and watch as he walks up, extending a hand. “Jealous?” I tease, and he grins at me as he pulls me to my feet.

“I can take him. I just don’t want to taste puppy slobber when I kiss you again.”

Instantly the playful, lighthearted interlude is gone, the air suddenly heavy with anticipation.

While I shove my foot in my Copyright 2016 - 2024