Bonus Kisses - Freya Barker Page 0,35

title of the movie the kids watched last night, Spencer immediately agreed. “That’s Stitch, he’s a boy,” my son quickly ads, pointing at the puppy sniffing a spot on the rug.

Shit. Before I can even react, Taz is up, scooping the pup up and running to the back door.

“Grab Lilo, Sofie. She may be ready for a pee too.”

With the kids following the exploring pups around the yard, I sink down beside Taz on the steps.

“What are they?”

I shrug. “Who knows? I’m guessing some English Shepherd, maybe some beagle, it’s hard to tell when they’re this small.”

“So barnyard mutts.”

“Pretty much.”

“They’re adorable. I think they’ll be good for the kids.”

I turn my head and find her eyes on me. “I’m hoping. It’s the happiest I’ve seen them in months.”

“I get it. The love of a dog is unconditional, much like the love of a parent…” she seems to hesitate a moment before she adds, “…should be. No limitations or expectations.”

It’s not a stretch to know she’s talking about her own experience, and my heart goes out to her. Things can’t have been easy on her since she came back to Eminence. Not only for the obvious reasons, but also because of the way she was welcomed home, and I use that term lightly. It wasn’t only by her parents but me as well, until Nicky set me straight a few days before she died.

“So you’re okay with this?” I nudge her shoulder with mine. “I probably should’ve checked with you first. Especially since I’m pretty sure your sister wouldn’t have approved. Sorry about that.”

“They’re your kids, it’s your house; it should be your decision. It just so happens I adore dogs, so you won’t hear any complaints from me.”

“Phew.” She smiles when I wipe imaginary sweat off my forehead, and I have a hard time looking away, until I hear Spencer yelling.

“He’s pooping!”

“Good,” I call out. “Wait ‘til he’s done and then tell him what a good boy he is.” I watch as my boy does exactly that. “That’s great, Spencer. Now go inside and grab that box of little bags we bought at the store.” When he hands me the box and starts walking away I stop him. “Hang on, Son.” I rip open the box and hand him a baggie. “It’s your dog, so your job to clean up after him.”

“Ewww.” His face is scrunched up, but he takes the bag from my hand.

Taz’s amused eyes sparkle up at me. “Bet he didn’t see that one coming,” she mumbles under her breath. “But that does bring up a practical question. The kids are in school during the day, and I start work on Monday, so who’s going to look after the puppies then?”

“I will. They can come with me to the clinic.”

She looks at me dubiously. “You will? You mean Lisa will.”

I figure best would probably be not to say anything to that, so I keep my mouth shut. Apparently Taz isn’t done yet.

“And who gets up when they cry during the night?”

This I had not exactly thought all the way through, so I throw Taz a winning smile I hope will earn me some goodwill.

“I thought we could take turns?”

She tosses her hair back and bursts out laughing. The sound—like the woman—is carefree. She’s gorgeous and I can’t take my eyes off the silk column of her exposed neck I’d like to run my lips along.

Chapter Thirteen


It was me who ended up sleeping on the couch last night.

After what had been an exciting day, with the addition of the new family members, the kids had been exhausted. While Rafe went up to put them to bed, I waited for him outside, finishing my glass of wine while keeping an eye on the pups.

An hour later he still hadn’t surfaced. I went to look for him and found him fast asleep with both kids on the big king-sized bed in the master bedroom. I didn’t have the heart to wake him so I backed out of the room, went to put my pj’s on, grabbed a pillow and blanket from my bedroom, and curled up on the couch.

The dogs were up a few times during the night; whimpering and crying until I finally picked them up and let them cuddle on the couch with me. As far as puppy training goes, probably not the best idea, but at least I got some sleep.

The wiggling of a pair of small warm bodies curled up against my stomach wakes me up, Copyright 2016 - 2024