Blush - Jamie Brenner Page 0,119

was capable of working hard, but at the same time he resented it. Plus, it wasn’t unusual for the son of an accomplished man to struggle in his shadow.

If they’d had a second son, none of this would have mattered. Leonard could have put all of his time and energy into grooming him. But they had a little girl. And yes, Leonard did invest a lot of time and care in teaching her everything—the same as her brother. The only difference had been his intention. Only his son was presumed to be a worthy heir.

How ironic that as farmers, she and Leonard took so long to understand that nature was stronger than nurture.

Vivian picked up a T-shirt from the floor. “Is this all laundry?”

“Mother, I’ve got it.”

She looked around the room, considering how best to ease into the conversation she intended to have. “Where’s Bridget? I haven’t seen her this morning.” No, she hadn’t seen Bridget since she gave her a ride last night to her apartment in town, eliciting a promise that she not run off too far.

“I asked her to leave. I broke off the engagement,” he said. “Please don’t do that.”

Vivian continued to retrieve clothes from the floor. It gave her something to do, an excuse to linger in the room. “I’m sorry about your engagement. I thought you were happy with Bridget.”

“I am. I was.”

She looked up at him. “So then why?”

He ran his hand through his hair. “Because I have to figure out my life—something I should have done a long time ago. But Dad wanted me here and made me believe this place would always be something to count on.”

“And that was an easy route for you to take,” she said. “I think if we’re being honest, that is part of the equation.”

“Fine. It might have been easy at first. But I’m paying for that now.”

“Why are you overreacting? You were at the meeting yesterday. Your father is optimistic.” Had he, too, seen beneath Leonard’s veneer? Or had Leonard told him something he wasn’t telling her?

“Optimistic? If he’s listening to Leah and her ideas about rosé, I’d say he’s acting desperate.”

“That’s not fair. And regardless of what you think of Leah’s strategy, why are you punishing Bridget over it?”

“I’m not punishing her. I’m letting her off the hook. When I asked her to marry me, I thought we’d live here and help out at the winery and it would be a comfortable life. Now I don’t know where I’ll be in a few months.”

“So? That’s what marriage is—being together through good times and difficult times. If Bridget left you because of this situation, I’d say fine—let her go. But if she isn’t bothered by it, then I say that’s all the more reason to marry her.”

“I can’t believe what I’m hearing. You’ve been side-eyeing her for a year now and suddenly she’s the prize?”

“Oh, Asher. Stop being such a child. If you two love each other, that is the prize.”

It was true. And it was true for her own marriage as well. Winery or no winery, mistakes had been made on both of their parts. She could forgive Leonard all of his faults—if only he could find it in his heart to forgive her.

“How long can that last when I’m unemployed and she’s making money? Would your marriage to Dad have worked like that?”

“Don’t you think I wish I could step in now and offer a financial contribution to this situation? Don’t you think your father would be relieved if I could? Maybe our partnership would have been stronger if I hadn’t been relegated to the sidelines.”

Asher seemed to consider this. She moved to the bed, sitting down and patting the spot beside her. He rolled his eyes but sat down.

“Asher, it takes a strong man to let a woman shine—not a weak one. That’s why Steven is out here for your sister. And why you should stick with Bridget. I wish your father made more room for me. In this way, you can outdo him. You can be the better man.”

* * *

Leah faced a room filled with dozens of women looking to be inspired by the wonders of wine and cheese. The class, assembled in the tasting room, looked at her expectantly while she struggled to focus. The conversation the night before with her father played over and over in her mind. When she told Steven about it, he didn’t seem surprised. She could tell he didn’t want to push her, but Copyright 2016 - 2024