Blue Moon #3 (Story of Us Series - Into the Blue) - Sydney Jamesson Page 0,17


“I do, but this puts me in a difficult position, Beth. It’s my duty to protect you, and you know I have to report back to my father.”

I slip my feet into my shoes. “Yes, I do. And you’re doing a great job. But if Ayden finds out, he’ll do something rash. We can’t allow that to happen, can we?”

“So are you suggesting I lie to my father?” she asks, through pursed lips.

“No, of course not, but we’re both doing this for a man we love, aren’t we?”

She smiles. “We are.”

“Then if your father doesn’t ask if you’ve been working on a plan, don’t mention it. Be economical with the truth.”

She sniggers. “So you do want me to lie?”

“I want you to say and do whatever it takes to save Ayden,” I state plainly. “That’s all.” I hold out my right hand to receive hers for a consensual shake. Instead she reaches out her left hand and we connect—two women, one purpose.

With so much at stake, we can’t fail.

Sam and I are on deck in the sunshine, plotting. After our heart-to-heart last night, I feel comfortable talking to her. She’s wearing denim shorts and a low cut T-shirt that I assume is for Luke’s benefit. When he appears on deck, I notice she alters alter her posture; back straight, chest out, head up. She reminds me of the peacocks at Château de Péons. That thought alone makes me smile, if only on the inside.

She has taken time to review Ayden’s presence on the Internet this past week. “Your husband’s had a massive PR machine at his disposal. If character assassination was his objective, I’d say mission accomplished.”

I’m nodding my head in agreement. “He doesn’t do anything by halves. In five days, I’ve seen him go from media mogul to shameless womaniser—and he’s done it all for me.”

I look out across the ocean, observing the white-topped waves in our wake as we cut through open sea. As with Ayden’s behaviour, everything leaves its mark. I’m hopeful that the status quo will be re-established once this awful business has been resolved—one way or another. And when we look back, there will once again be tranquillity. Although, I’m under no illusions, it will take a lot of smoothing over, and that’s where Sam will come into her own.

“I don’t care what you have to do. Just get me out there. I’ll dress up, do photoshoots … whatever it takes to bring those bastards to me. Just do it before Thursday night.” I take a sip of my coffee. “Bernie will help and the crew will handle their side of things.”

She glances up from her notes. “Let me make some calls, drop a few breadcrumbs first. Your reincarnation can’t appear staged or it won’t fly. It has to look organic, like I just stumbled across something that could potentially become international news.”

“Okay. Use Skype and don’t give out your location to anyone. We have to keep that a secret until everything is in place. I’ll coordinate with Jake and Charlotte.”

“What if Ayden finds out what you’re up to?” She bites the end of her pen, nervously.

“He won’t. He can’t get wind of this. I’m relying on Jake to handle that side of things.”

She places her hand over mine. “You’re so calm about all this, Beth. I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that you could be putting yourself in a perilous position.”

Our eyes meet. “Of course I know that, but I have faith…”

She laughs out loud. “In what? God? Do you have a guardian angel you’re not telling me about?”

I laugh along. “Oh, you’d be surprised…”

“Ha! A story for another day,” she says, tipping her head to one side optimistically.

“We’ll see…”

Forgoing all the usual social media platforms—reasoning that what I don’t know can’t hurt me—I take fifteen minutes to watch BBC News on-line. The least I can do is keep up with current affairs. After all, I will be going home eventually. I’m prepared to witness world famine and social unrest, political wrangling and even social commentary on declining standards in secondary education—some things never change. What does change is seeing my husband’s face plastered across the screen.

“Mr. Ayden Stone, media mogul, the newest addition to this year’s list of public figures to be given an honorary award for services rendered to Queen and country and the pursuit of personal freedom and national security in the United Kingdom and the world…”

It’s for real. Jake was right. He’s actually going ahead with it.

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