A Bloody London Sunset - By Jaz Primo Page 0,2

He shivered while recalling how he had been savagely bitten by Katrina as she experienced a disturbing nightmare. The resulting pain had been physical and emotional for both of them.

“And sex?” Alton asked.

“Well, that part’s okay, actually,” Caleb replied with a grin.

“I see. Well, bear in mind that your near-death experience prior to Christmas interrupted our original plans to curtail Katrina’s renewed desire for violent activities,” Alton explained.

“I’ve been thinking about that lately,” Caleb absently noted as his thoughts drifted to a past conversation. Alton had told him that Katrina previously spent large portions of her life pursuing violent activities, and the desire had been rekindled during their recent trials to stop Chimalma. He had explained that Katrina was an alpha vampire who was innately drawn to participate in violent, aggressive activities, marking her as one of her kind’s most dangerous predators. Having seen Katrina’s aggressions firsthand, he could only agree wholeheartedly with Alton’s assessment.

“Do you recall what I recommended?” the vampire asked.

“Of course,” Caleb replied. Alton had devised a two-phase process for him to help Katrina adjust to her violent feelings in a more positive manner. Phase one had been easy for him. It involved encouraging Katrina with less aggressive activities, such as more displays of affection, appreciation, and intimacy. He avoided arguments and confrontations with her and told her how much he needed and appreciated her. That had worked fabulously and was perfectly suited behavior for his peaceable, easy-going personality.

Phase two involved more physically challenging pursuits, and Alton had asked him to adopt an exercise regimen to improve both his muscular and cardio-vascular conditions. However, he had been partially debilitated during his recovery from nearly dying of injuries sustained in the final battle with Chimalma.

“Phase one worked well,” Caleb said as he shut the door to his office, preventing his voice from carrying out into the hallway. “In fact, my increased physical workouts haven’t raised Katrina’s suspicions at all. She associates it with my recovery from last December.”

“Excellent,” Alton remarked. “Are you ready to begin phase two?”

While Caleb understood that he was expected to engage in hunting-styled activities that Katrina might enjoy as much as the dangerous pursuits from her past, Alton had been rather vague regarding the details.

“Sure, I’m in pretty good shape, actually,” he replied, thinking of the improved diet and stamina-building activities that had increased his muscle tone and endurance.

Alton fell silent, but somehow Caleb imagined him smiling at that moment.

“Excellent. Shall we proceed?” Alton baited.

“Um, sure,” Caleb replied. “What exactly does that involve again?”

“Think of it as an aggressive form of hide and seek,” Alton suggested. “Approach it like a playful form of escape and evade.”

Caleb silently nodded his head. “Okay, I can do that. Any suggestions?”

“Certainly,” Alton continued. “Find terrain that poses a challenge for her. Preferably somewhere outdoors, such as a forest or national park. After some practice, you can vary the location and setting. Just try to avoid public places where the use of her vampire abilities might be noticed.”

Caleb considered that for a moment. “But wouldn’t a public place restrict her abilities and make it more challenging for her?”

“Hm,” Alton considered. “You have a point.”

Then Caleb frowned. “I don’t stand a chance without getting a head start,” he ventured. “But I could pre-stage somewhere and call her on the phone. I should also give her a time limit because, once her gaze falls upon on me, I’m as good as bagged.”

“Also excellent points,” Alton agreed. “You’re actually better at envisioning this than I gave you credit for, young man.”

Caleb beamed at the rare compliment. “Honestly, though, I don’t think humans stand much of a chance against pursuing vampires.”

“Caleb,” Alton mildly chastised, “it’s not as if anyone’s trying to harm you. This is all for Katrina’s amusement. Besides, you may learn to enjoy it over time. And she’s bound to be grateful for your efforts. There could be rewards forthcoming you haven’t even considered yet.”

Caleb slyly smirked at the suggestion. “That’s always nice.”

“Let me leave you with some final advice,” Alton interjected. “Remember that Katrina can see much further than you and in the dark. And since you’ll have to do this at night, you’ll be at a disadvantage. Most of all, don’t try to hide from her; keep moving. She can hear your heartbeat when she’s near you. She also has your scent imprinted, so she would locate you immediately if you tried bunkering. As your mate, Katrina has finely tuned and honed her senses to your body’s signature.”

After momentarily

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