Bloodrage - Helen Harper Page 0,97

these bloodsuckers. They should just take their statue and leave.”

I sent silent thoughts of gratitude in Thomas’ direction. Unfortunately, however, it was all for nought. Without warning, the Dean flicked out a stream of blue light, catching me on my bare shoulder, where the fabric was still hanging off after Solus’ investigations. I yelped in pain and looked down to see a tiny trickle of blood appear and begin to drip its way down. Fuck. Aubrey sprang forward, grasping me by the shoulders and bent his head, red tongue flicking out. I sharply pulled up one leg, kneeing him as hard as I could in the groin, forcing him to bend over double in pain.

But it was too late. As soon as the vampire began to straighten, I could tell by the look in his eye that he’d lapped enough blood. Not only did he now have absolute proof that I was the one who’d been in his trophy room, but he also had a look on his face that suggested both wonder and puzzlement. Clearly, whilst he didn’t recognise what my blood was, he knew there was something different about it. And by the manner with which he was licking his lips, he had definitely enjoyed it. I thought back to Anton and what had happened with him when he’d tasted my blood, and my heart sank. Now I was really in trouble.

Chapter Twenty-two

I remained where I was, eyeing up Aubrey nervously, attempting to work out what his next move was going to be. There was an unerring look of satisfaction on his face, coupled with what was most definitely the gleam of a predator. I tried desperately to think of what I could do to end this stand-off. The last thing the academy needed was to have to take possession of the Palladium, especially now that Alex had confirmed that he couldn’t find the wraith’s physical remains. I inwardly cursed the vamps for not being courageous enough to deal with the problem on their own, and the Dean for thinking that he could.

As the pair of us stared at each other across the divide of a mere couple of feet, I became suddenly aware of some movement from behind me. Abruptly there were sounds of a scuffle taking place, and the muffled tones of the Dean shouting something.

I half-turned, trying to keep Aubrey within my line of sight, but also to see what was going on. What the fuck? My mouth dropped open in shock. Thomas had somehow jumped on top of the Dean, knocked him over and was now punching him repeatedly in the ribs. The Dean was trying to put his hands up defensively, and attempting to spark his magic into life to manage a counter attack, but Thomas’ knees were positioned in such a way around the academy head’s torso, pinning both him and his arms to the ground, that he was unable to move. The rest of the mages were all taking nervy little shuffling steps backwards, as if afraid to get involved.

“You great lumbering idiot!” huffed Thomas, as he landed one punch. “She’s one of us and you let that thing taste her.” He connected with the Dean’s soft body again. “Not only that, but you actually encouraged him to do it.” He hit the Dean square on in the face, and there was the distinct sound of his nose breaking. I winced.

“Er, Thomas?”

He ignored me completely and continued his barrage against the Dean.

“Jeremy!” I yelled.

He stopped for a moment and flicked a glance up at me. But I recognised that look. I’d spent half a lifetime giving that look to others. Thomas was in the throes of utter all-consuming rage and nothing was going to sway him from his current course. Shit. I jerked my head at Alex, who nodded unhappily, then we both ran towards the pair of them. I grabbed Thomas’ right arm and Alex took his left. The mage’s fists continued flying, his arms flailing in the air as we dragged him off the now prone and groaning body of the Dean.

“Goddamnit, Thomas, stop it!” I twisted myself round to look him in the eye. “Look at me! I need you to calm the fuck down. Right now.”

He continued struggling for another moment or two, then sagged, a flicker of conscious light crossing his eyes. Then, seemingly from nowhere, a jet of blue light appeared from behind and struck him smack bang in the middle of his forehead. Thomas Copyright 2016 - 2024