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to be done about Laurel?"

Oh yes. I definitely did. This had gone too far, and I'd been wrong to let it slide. Jill was right that there were other ways to get back at someone. And I was right that revenge was petty and nothing that Jill should sully herself with. That was why I was going to do it.

"I'll take care of it," I told her. "I - I'll have the Alchemists issue a complaint from our parents."

She looked dubious. "You think that'll fix things?"

"Positive," I said. Because that complaint was going to pack an extra punch. A glance at the time told me it was too late to go back to the lab. No problem. I simply set my alarm extra early, with the intent to get up and head back there before classes started.

I had one more experiment in my future, and Laurel was going to be my guinea pig.

Chapter Twenty-One

MIXING WHAT I NEEDED TO was easy. Getting it to where I needed took a couple of days. I first had to pay attention to what kind of shampoo Laurel used in the PE showers. The school provided shampoo and conditioner, of course, but she wouldn't trust her precious hair with anything so commonplace. Once I knew her brand, I hunted it down at a local beauty supply store and emptied its expensive contents down the drain. I filled bottles with my homemade concoction instead.

The next step was switching it with Laurel's own bottle. I recruited Kristin for this. Her locker was next to Laurel's in PE, and she was more than willing to help me out. Part of it was that she shared our dislike of Laurel. But also, ever since I'd saved her from the tattoo reaction, Kristin had made it clear that she was indebted to me and had my back in whatever I needed. I didn't like the idea of her owing me, but her assistance did come in handy. She found a moment when Laurel looked away from her unlocked locker and covertly made the switch. We then simply had to wait for the next time Laurel used the shampoo to see the results of my handiwork.

Meanwhile, my other lab experiment wasn't receiving quite the reaction I'd expected. Ms. Terwilliger accepted my report but not the amulet.

"I have no use for it," she remarked, glancing up from the papers I'd handed her.

"Well... I certainly don't either, ma'am."

She set the papers down. "This is all true? You followed every step precisely? I'd certainly have no way of knowing if you'd, ah, fudged some of the details."

I shook my head. "Nope. I followed every step."

"Well, then. It looks like you have yourself a fire-making charm."

"Ma'am," I said, by way of protest.

She grinned. "What do the directions say? Throw it and recite the last incantation? Do you know it?"

'"Into flame, into flame,'" I said promptly. After having typed the spell initially for her notes and then re-creating it, it was hard not to have picked it all up. According to the book - which was an English translation of a Latin text - the language didn't matter so long as the words' meaning was clear.

"Well, there you go. Give it a try one of these days and see what happens. Just don't light any school property on fire. Because that's not safe."

I held up the amulet by the string. "But this isn't real. This is nonsense. It's a bunch of junk thrown together in a bag."

She shrugged. "Who are we to question the ancients?"

I stared, trying to figure out if she was joking. I'd known she was eccentric from day one, but she'd still always come across as a serious scholar. "You can't believe that. Magic like this... it's not real." Without thinking, I added, "Even if it was, ma'am, it's not for humans to mess around with powers like that."

Ms. Terwilliger was silent for several moments. "You truly believe that?"

I fingered the cross around my neck. "It's how I was raised."

"Understood. Well, then, you may do what you like with the amulet. Throw it away, donate it, experiment with it. Regardless, this report's what I need for my book. Thank you for putting in the time - as always, you've done more than was required."

I put the amulet in my purse when I left, not really sure what to do. It was useless... and yet, it had also cost me a lot of time. I was disappointed it wasn't going to have Copyright 2016 - 2024