Blood Seeker (Immortal Curse #7) - Lexi C. Foss Page 0,80

family. As a powerful unit. As Seraphim reborn beneath a renewed purpose.

“I think that was what the Fates had in mind,” Caro whispered, voicing her thoughts. “They wanted Astasiya to grasp humanity because they knew it would impact her decision-making. And rather than kill indiscriminately, she’ll think through each and every resolve with compassion—something the council lacks. They’re all about practical decisions, but she follows her heart.”

It was so obvious to Caro now. Her daughter had loyalty to family and friends, not a blind purpose tied to a council of ancients. Astasiya would always do what was right for those she cared about, something the council would never understand.

“She’s going to destroy them by shredding apart the system,” Caro continued. “By introducing them to emotional reasoning. They won’t know how to battle it.”

He palmed her cheek, his green eyes sparkling with understanding. “I think you might be right, angel.”

“But you think there’s more.”

“I think she’s only begun to understand her power, which is why my father wants to train her. He knows something about her abilities—or the potential of her abilities—that he’s not telling us.”

“Because he wants to use her,” Caro said.


“And you think we should let him,” she added, seeing the strategy unfold in his features.

“I think we should consider it and ask Astasiya what she wants to do. It would be a risk, but it also might just give us the upper hand we’ve been missing since this all began.”

“An attempt to be one step ahead of him,” she mused.

“We could use the advantage,” he replied. “But she’ll need to agree.”

Caro nodded, concurring. However, she already knew what her little warrior would say. “She’ll take the risk.”

“I know.”

Her lips curled. “She’s a lot like me, isn’t she?”

“Very much so,” he murmured. “We made the right choice, Caro.”

“I know.”

His eyes took on a serious gleam. “I don’t regret it.”

“Neither do I.” She palmed his cheek. “She makes our sacrifices worth it.”

“She does,” he whispered, his nose gliding against hers. “She makes everything worth it. And so do you, angel. I’d suffer it all again, just for this moment.”

“Me, too,” she replied, her voice equally quiet. “Kiss me, Sethios.”

“Forever,” he vowed, taking her mouth and sealing the promise with his tongue.

Caro’s heart warmed, her soul reveling in their embrace.

She was finally home.

With her love.

Her Sethios.

For eternity.

Vera hid in the shadows just outside the coliseum, her wings folded against her back. This was her favorite place to spy because no one ever noticed her here, tucked between two pillars of decorative rock.

The security cameras were all angled away from her, thanks to Mateo’s interference. She texted him now, letting him know her position.

Roger, he sent back.

She was here for the sole purpose of listening for the council’s verdict on Elizabeth and her new daughter.

Osiris had gotten her out just in time, sequestering her to the manor he’d procured for this purpose. But that left Hydria exposed and vulnerable, which wasn’t acceptable.

Mateo had stayed behind on the island, despite his cover being blown—a disappointing development he’d overheard via his penchant for technology. Regardless, he’d remained and put the lives of all those on Hydria ahead of his own, an admirable feat and one Vera very much understood.

She frequently put her life in jeopardy.

Such as now as she awaited the verdict.

If Vera reported a pending attack, Mateo would deliver the message to Lucian and accept the penalty of confirming his allegiance to Osiris. It would alert the others to her recent activities as well, but they were going to learn about those soon anyway.

Attacking Osiris that day had resulted in a new understanding of him—one that had given her pause.

She’d witnessed his memories of what the council had really done to him.

A vile, horrid event that had knocked the wind from her lungs and forced her to return to him a day after ensuring everyone’s safety at Gabriel’s home.

“I have to know,” she’d told him. “Let me see it again.”

He’d studied her for a long moment, his green eyes flashing with fury. “If you alter my mind again, I will add you to my collection downstairs.”

She knew what he spoke of—the immortals he kept locked away in conditions far worse than death.

But she’d taken a chance and agreed to his terms.

Then she’d relived his memory in each excruciating detail.

By the time she’d finished, she’d been on her knees in tears while he’d stood over her with a stoic expression. “Now you know.”

There was no faking a memory like that. Even now, it sent Copyright 2016 - 2024