Blood Seeker (Immortal Curse #7) - Lexi C. Foss Page 0,77

trouble, she thought.

“Yes, you are,” he replied out loud, causing her to freeze.

Did I say that out loud? Or did he just read my mind? It was then that she realized what she’d missed in the flurry of activity before. The rune. Vera had given it to her to facilitate the healing, but it’d allowed all Hydraian gifts to work on her. Which meant—

“I know everything,” he whispered, his arms encircling her waist as he laid his head on her shoulder, watching as Lizzie and Jayson fawned over their child. “We’ll talk later, Lee. For now, let’s admire the life we helped bring into the world.”

Stas and Issac stood by the bed on the opposite side, both of them enamored with the child. Sethios and Caro were beside them, their focus on their own daughter, a wave of memories swimming in their gazes.

Twenty-five years ago, they’d brought Stas into this world. And now she was all grown-up with a mate of her own. Leela imagined that both pleased and hurt them. They’d missed so much of her life. But they were reunited now to enjoy the future together. Whatever it might bring.

Leela didn’t want to think about that now, so she did as Balthazar suggested and admired the tiny being in Lizzie’s arms.

The two new parents shared a look, Lizzie’s expression almost dreamy from the power exchange her daughter had initiated. They were bonding as a unit, Jayson’s energy added into the mix to help bolster their child’s strength.

A happy new family filled with love and affection, born in a time of future war.

But this child would be more protected than any other before her. She had the Hydraian Elders and Issac as uncles, Stas as an aunt, and Leela as a guardian angel.

It hadn’t been intentional. However, she’d bonded with the small child in her own way as she’d coaxed the soul back to her proper home.

Which meant Leela had tied herself in a way to the little spirit.

She’d never remove that tie.

It would forever remain between them, similar to how Gabriel had pledged fealty to Stas. But not quite the same.

“What do you plan to name her?” Stas asked softly.

Lizzie smiled. “Aidyn Lee,” she replied. “Aidan saved us both. It’s only fitting she carry his name in memory of his sacrifice. And Lee after Leela, for ensuring we all survived.”

Silence followed her words, the emotions behind the names burrowing deep into all their hearts.

Leela’s own heart seemed to stop beating, shocked at being honored in such a way. “No one’s ever named a child after me,” she whispered.

“Then I’m glad ours is the first,” Lizzie murmured, smiling down at their daughter.

Aidyn Lee.

“A fitting name,” Balthazar said. “Aidan would be honored.”

“He would,” Issac agreed, his tone a bit gruffer than usual. “Thank you for honoring his memory.”

“We wouldn’t be here without him,” Lizzie replied, her voice soft. “It’s the best way for us to remember him. It’s also a strong name befitting our miracle. Our baby Aidyn.”

More silence fell, the emotions in the room heavy.

Issac was the first to clear his throat, then he nodded and left. Stas followed him out, her hand against his lower back offering comfort.

Sethios and Caro were next to go.

Then Leela said, “Call if you need anything.”

“We will,” Lizzie replied, her focus entirely on their child.

Leela went to move, but Balthazar’s arms didn’t budge. She cleared her throat.

“We won’t be far,” he said, his words for Jay. “You know how to grab my attention.”

“Thanks for calming me down,” Jay replied.

She felt Balthazar nod beside her head. Then his arms fell, and his hand grabbed hers to pull her out of the room. Leela said nothing, following dutifully as he led them to another bedroom a few doors down.

A brief thought occurred to her, reminding her that she could mist, but one look from him had her squashing that inclination.

He sequestered them inside a room with a balcony overlooking the ocean, white furniture, and a large bed with blue sheets and a navy quilt on top. But rather than lead her in the direction of the mattress, he took her into the elegantly furnished bathroom. “Strip,” he told her.

“You can’t intimidate me,” she informed him, obeying the command out of defiance more than submission. Being naked didn’t bother her. She had a killer body, and she knew how to use it to subdue a man.

“I don’t want to intimidate you. I want to take care of you and demonstrate my gratitude for what you’ve done Copyright 2016 - 2024