Blood Seeker (Immortal Curse #7) - Lexi C. Foss Page 0,48

her was a furious need to hurt Ezekiel.

“Why do you think we’re lying?” he asked her, his voice pitched low, his tone meant to soothe.

“You’re not here,” she said through her teeth. “And you gave us up to Osiris.”

Ezekiel’s eyebrows hit his hairline.

“She needs her memories,” a singsong voice informed them from the head of the stairs. “Vera, if you please. Then Sethios will facilitate her bath. Oh, but stand behind her, or else she’ll hit her head on the way down.” Skye skipped off down the hallway at the top, leaving them all glancing at each other.

“My memories,” Caro said, looking around the room and narrowing her gaze at the brunette leaning against the wall. “You.”

“Right.” Vera cleared her throat, pushing upright and starting toward her. “I have a lot to undo.”

“Don’t touch me.”

“Afraid I have to,” Vera said, glancing at Sethios. “A little help here?”

“And you want me to do what, exactly?” he asked.

“Compel her to stand still and not fight me.”

He snorted. “No.”

Annoyance muddled her features. “Do you want me to fix this or not, Sethios?”

“You created the mess. You clean it up,” he tossed back at her. Except, as soon as the words left his mouth, another memory tickled his thoughts—one that reminded him of the day he and Caro had asked Vera to wipe their minds.

He muttered a curse under his breath.

“All right,” he said, not at all pleased by what he had to do but understanding the need for it. “Caro, drop the knife and don’t move or mist.” He threaded the compulsion through his words, earning him an enraged growl from the now frozen female.

The blade fell to the carpet at her feet, the last of her fight draining from her currently steady limbs.

He walked up behind her and bent to retrieve the knife.

She growled again, making him smile.

This reminds me of how we first met, he whispered into her mind. You couldn’t move then either. He drew the tip of the blade up her leg as he returned to a standing position.

“I’m keeping this,” he informed Ezekiel as he twirled it between his fingers and then slid it into the pocket of his jeans. Then he stood dutifully behind his angel, ready to catch her just in case she fell.

His lips twitched at the accidental pun in his mind—his angel falling—she’d fallen long ago into the pits of hell with him by her side. The heat emanating from her now seemed to confirm their position together.

But it was the simmering anger that really captured his attention.

You’re making me hard, angel, he told her, aware that she wasn’t responding to him at all. Should I take the knife back out and play? You’re already naked for me. Maybe we’ll find a window to fuck against, see if that jogs your memory.

Release me, she seethed.

Never, he vowed, clasping her hips to drive his point home. You’re mine, just as I’m yours.

I will kill you for this.

You’ve promised that before, he reminded her, bending to press a kiss to her shoulder. I’m still waiting.

Remove this spell and I’ll deliver your fate.

Once Vera is done, I’ll consider it, he replied, glancing at the memory-wiping Seraphim. “She’s ready.”

Vera flashed him an incredulous glance. “She looks ready to murder us, not comply.”

“She can’t break my hold,” he murmured, his grip tightening on her hips. “And if she does, it’ll be me she tries to kill, not you.”

There will be no “trying” about it, Caro replied darkly.

He chuckled. I’ve missed this side of you, angel. It’s like I need to teach you how to feel all over again.

I feel just fine, thank you.

Yes, anger. Which I can easily turn into something so much hotter, he replied, kissing her neck this time before nibbling on her ear. Keep taunting me, angel. See what happens.

How are we connected? she demanded.

You don’t remember? he asked, frowning.

She fell silent.

His teasing mood fled, his focus falling on Vera. “Fix her mind. She’s losing sight of who I am to her.” He could feel the uncertainty in their bond, the way it wavered between them, her knowledge of their mating undeniable one minute and gone in the next breath.

“So you can offer demands without compulsion,” Vera said as she moved to stand in front of Caro. “Fascinating.”

“Do you prefer to be persuaded? Because I’ll happily comply.”

“No, you won’t,” she murmured, lifting her palm to Caro’s cheek. “This isn’t something you want me to rush—not with how much I’ve altered within her mind.” She closed her Copyright 2016 - 2024