Blood Secrets - By Jeannie Holmes Page 0,88

the journal from the lab? Where had it disappeared and who’d returned it?

The most plausible explanation was that Rueben had stolen the book from her. But why? As for how it came to be in her desk, Morgan Dreyer had been in Tasha’s office only moments prior. Could Morgan and Rueben be working together? If so, what was their connection to her mystery callers?

A commotion outside interrupted her thoughts. Shouts and curses drew her to the door and as she stepped into the common area, she saw two Enforcers dragging a still-ranting Kirk Beljean toward a rear exit of the Jefferson Police Department. The Bureau didn’t waste time in cases where vampires were the direct cause of a human’s death. Beljean would be flown to Louisville, evidence would be presented, and he’d be dead by morning.

One of the Enforcers reached for the exit and Kirk broke free, barreling up the hallway in a desperate attempt to escape.

Tasha went for her sidearm but was too slow. The rampaging vampire slammed into her and her Beretta skittered across the floor. She shrieked as fangs pierced her clothing and sank into her forearm.

Hands grappled with Kirk, ripping his mouth from her arm. Tasha glimpsed Damian’s massive silhouette before he scooped her up, carrying her to the safety of the deserted Municipal Center’s lobby.

He set her down on the lower wall surrounding the silent water feature. “Give me your arm.”

Breathing hard and fighting back hysterical tears, she obediently held her arm out for his inspection.

The big Enforcer ripped the sleeve from her blouse at the shoulder in one fluid movement. He glanced at her with golden eyes when she sucked in a breath and then turned his attention back to her arm. His oversized hands were gentle as he assessed the damage. “No apparent broken bones, but it’s a nasty bite. You’re going to want a doctor to check it out.”

A high and long screech sounded from the JPD wing and suddenly fell silent, leaving an eerie quiet in its wake.

“Shouldn’t you—” Tasha began and stopped as Varik pushed through the glass doors and into the lobby.

Crimson beads dotted his face and ran down the front of his shirt in dark splotches. He limped wearily to Damian and Tasha, extended his hand toward Damian, and dropped two bloody nuggets in the Chief Enforcer’s palm. He then focused on Tasha. “Kirk won’t bite you or anyone again,” he said, deadpan.

Tasha cradled her injured arm to her, watched him head toward the exit and disappear down the front steps of the Center. Only after he’d melded with the night’s shadows did she look at what he’d left behind.

Two bloody fangs lay in Damian’s hand.

The world tilted violently and then she was surrounded by darkness.

* * *

Staring out Janet’s hospital window, Emily wondered if she was fated to spend a majority of her life in hospitals. When she and Bernard married, she’d been the one to care for him and any wounds he suffered as a Hunter until he was tapped as a Talent and taken out of the field. Then Stephen was born and the usual boyhood scrapes and occasional broken bone had to be tended.

Her boys had been boys through and through, and Alex had been no slouch in the rough and tumble department either. Bernard may have called her “Princess” but the precocious child had been anything except a princess. Emily had lost count of the number of trips to the emergency room Alex had fostered during her teens. She smiled with the memories.

However, her smile soon faded, replaced by sorrow. Alex was missing and there’d been no word on the search. Varik offered no updates after he arrested Kirk and Janet was whisked away to the hospital. He’d simply said if he had any news he would call.

“Mom?” Stephen said softly from the room’s doorway.

Emily motioned for him to enter and to be quiet. “She’s sleeping,” she whispered as he drew closer, glancing at the bed in which Janet lay. “The doctor says she’ll be fine but they want to keep her overnight as a precaution.”

Stephen nodded, his eyes locked on Janet. He suddenly turned to Emily and placed his head on her shoulder, wrapping her in a tight embrace. “I’m so sorry, Mom. I should’ve been there with you both.”

Dampness spread over her shoulder and she realized he was crying. “Oh, honey,” she murmured, hugging him in turn and gently stroking his back as she had when he was a child. “You Copyright 2016 - 2024