Blood Secrets - By Jeannie Holmes Page 0,86

released him and turned to face a camera in the corner near the door as Kirk tumbled to the floor behind him. “Did you get all that?”

Damian’s voice filled the room from a hidden speaker. “We got it.”

Varik nodded and headed for the door.

“Piper,” Kirk rasped. “When can I—”

“Oh, yeah, about that.” Varik half turned in the open doorway. “I lied.”

Kirk’s howl and shouted curses were muffled by the heavy door as Varik walked away and entered the nearby observation room. He joined Damian in front of a closed-circuit video monitor as they watched a live feed of Kirk using a chair in a futile attempt to break out of the interview room. “Persistent little fucker, I’ll give him that.”

“We’ll keep the tape rolling for a while,” Damian said. “In case he gives up any more names.”

“What about this Peter?”

“It’s not much to go on, but I’ve already called Freddy and Reyes says he has some new info on that doll left with the Johnson girl’s car.”

Varik nodded. “I’ll be in the lab if you need anything.”

He opened the door to leave when the blood-bond roared to life.


Alex’s call slammed into him with the psychic force of a small truck and bowled him over. Distorted memories mixed with flashes of conversation flooded his mind. Images of Alex chained and Bernard fighting shadows pushed to the forefront, only to be replaced by a dizzying sensation of free-falling through darkness.

Alex! He reached across the bond for her familiar warmth and felt the joy and hope that surged from her as she responded. Her mind brushed his, a gentle caress that was like a cooling salve to his tortured soul.

The bond trembled and Varik bellowed as Alex was ripped from his grasp.

A new presence filled with coldness and hatred tapped into the bond. She’s mine.

Over my dead body.

That can be arranged.

Varik reached for the intruding mind as it retreated, but it slipped from his grasp. Alex!

Varik …

The connection faltered and collapsed, leaving the echoed memory of her touch and voice in his mind. He was unable to stop the hot tears that spilled from his eyes. On his knees, he voiced his anger, fear, and longing in a wordless scream.


ALEX WAS SCREAMING AND FIGHTING. SHE TWISTED AND bucked, trying to dislodge the heavy weight that pinned her. “Get off me!”

“I don’t think so,” Peter said, laughing. “I’m rather enjoying myself.”

Her fist connected with his jaw, leaving him momentarily stunned. She kicked him aside, scurried off the bed, and darted for the door.

Arms encircled her waist like iron bands and yanked her off her feet. “Gotcha!”

“No!” She clawed at the doorjamb, trying to find purchase for her fingers. Smooth wood offered no salvation. The world spun as Peter flung her onto the bed. She bounced over the mattress and tumbled to the floor on the opposite side. Something popped in her wrist as she tried to brace her fall and pain shot up her arm, making her cry out.

“We could’ve been so happy,” Peter said as he stalked her from the foot of the bed. “But your father had to mess everything up.”

Alex backpedaled across the floor. Her injured wrist refused to support her weight and gave way. Hissing with pain, she cradled it to her chest and continued her awkward retreat until her back hit a wall.

“And then you found a way to reach out to him.”

“You’re insane.”

“Bernard thought the same thing. Even said as much when he refused to take me on as a Hunter-Talent.”

As he spoke, Alex realized she could see again. At least somewhat. Instead of unending blackness, everything was now fuzzy gray with amorphous dark blobs. Imperfect vision was better than none at all. “What are you talking about? My father was a history professor.”

“That’s what he told you because you were too young to understand what he really was.”

“You’re lying.”

“Your precious Varik”—he spat the name as if it tasted bad—“was Daddy Dearest’s partner. Your father was the one who sent him to kill our kindred.”

Alex dove for what she hoped was the bed, worming her way underneath. She shrieked as she felt a hand close over her ankle.

“Tricky tricky, chickie chickie,” Peter chanted, pulling her out of her hiding place. “You’re a quick little—oof!”

She used her free leg to kick him in the shin. As he collapsed, she scrambled to gain her feet.

He lunged and landed atop her.

“Let me go!” She raked his arms with her nails, leaving bloody welts.

He managed to grab her injured wrist and squeezed.

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