Blood Secrets - By Jeannie Holmes Page 0,73

me,” he whispered and closed his eyes, surrendering himself to the void as he parted the Veil and entered the Shadowlands.

Emily felt as though she were in a nightmare dreamscape and unable to wake. Numbness had settled into her brain, dampening all thought and dulling her senses. She could only sit at the kitchen counter, an untouched mug of coffee and her cell phone before her, and stare at the small photo she always carried with her.

It was taken eight years ago during a family vacation to Cumberland Falls in the southeastern part of Kentucky. The photo had been taken at night as she stood between Stephen and Alex on the observation deck overlooking the falls. Light from the full moon played through the spray and created a beautiful moon-bow that hung in the air behind three smiling faces. It had been a magical week for them all.

It’d also been the last vacation the three had spent together.

Fast-forward to their present, and Emily found herself in a mother’s Hell. Only a few weeks had passed since Stephen was kidnapped by drug runners looking to get even for Crimson Swan stealing a large portion of their customers. He didn’t talk about what happened to him and most of his physical wounds had healed, but Emily knew the psychological healing would take much longer.

Now Alex was missing—abducted by a madman who Varik said was obsessed with her.

Emily traced the outline of Alex with her finger. Tears welled in her eyes. No matter how much she fought, how much she tried to protect them, it seemed the world was determined to rip her family apart, and she couldn’t let that happen.

She angrily brushed away her tears and traded the photograph for her cell phone. She dialed Gregor’s number and listened to the steady ringing on the other end, counting each tone as they passed unanswered. After ten rings, she sighed and hit the button to end the call. Where was he?

Lost in her own thoughts, she ignored the chime of the doorbell and Janet’s hurried footsteps. Stephen had left earlier for a meeting with investors regarding the rebuilding of Crimson Swan. Emily had insisted he keep the appointment despite what had happened with Alex. He needed the distraction. He would’ve gone insane with worry had he stayed home.

A startled shout and the sound of a man’s angry voice drew Emily from the kitchen. “Janet?” she called, hurrying into the living room. “What’s wro—”

The barrel of a revolver shoved in her face stole her words. Angry golden eyes bored into her from behind stringy and sweat-soaked brown bangs. The scent of blood, pepper, and sage was strong in the air. The hand holding the revolver wavered slightly as the stranger spoke, showing fangs. “Who the fuck are you?”

Her gaze flicked to the frightened Janet, held tightly against the unknown vampire’s side. “Emily,” she replied, surprised by her own calm. “I’m a friend of Janet’s.”

The stranger inhaled sharply. “You smell like a vampire, but I don’t see fangs.”

“I had them filed down and capped a long time ago.”

He grunted. “You’re one of Janet’s clients?” He didn’t wait for Emily to respond before tightening his hold. “I never knew you swung both ways, Janet. That would’ve made for more interesting suck and fucks. A little girl-on-girl action, huh?”

“You’re hurting me,” Janet whined.

“Let her go,” Emily said.

“You are not the boss here, bitch!” He cocked the revolver’s hammer and Janet sobbed. “I am!”

Despite the wild pounding of her heart, Emily spoke calmly. “Yes, you’re in charge, but you’re obviously injured. I can smell the blood. If you let Janet go, I can help you. That’s what you want, isn’t it? You want someone to help you?”

Several moments passed in silence while the stranger stared at her and Janet sobbed at his side. Finally, he shoved Janet into Emily’s arms, where the girl sobbed even harder and clung to Emily like a frightened child. “No tricks,” the stranger rasped. “Or you’re both dead.”

Emily nodded her understanding. “Come into the kitchen where there’s better light.”

She guided Janet into the kitchen with the stranger following slowly. They reached the counter where Emily had been sitting, and she indicated for Janet to sit on one of the stools.

The stranger entered, eyes darting from one side to the other, revolver held at the ready.

Emily swiped her coffee mug and cell phone from the counter while he was distracted. She slipped the phone into her bra and dumped the coffee into the sink. Copyright 2016 - 2024