Blood Secrets - By Jeannie Holmes Page 0,52

voice instructed as a strong hand smacked her back a few times.

She complied and was rewarded with a dislodged kernel and fresh air.

“There you go,” her savior said. “Dinky, grab her some water.”

Tasha gratefully accepted the glass Dinky handed to her with a worried expression. She gulped the clear liquid. Her body rebelled and she returned to coughing.

A few more sharp pats on her back helped to ease the air back into her lungs. “Sip it.”

She sipped the water as directed and when she didn’t cough, she used one glorious deep breath to sigh in relief. “Thanks,” she whispered hoarsely and turned to her rescuer only to have her breath stolen away again by coffee brown skin and black eyes.

“My pleasure,” he said, flashing a lopsided grin. “Rueben.”

Her gaze slipped over his broad shoulders, down the muscular and tattooed arm. She weakly clasped his hand. “Tasha.”

“Well, take care of yourself, Tasha.” Rueben pushed away from the bar, still smiling. “And lay off that corn.”

Tasha nodded mutely, watching him as he backed away a few steps before turning and striding confidently toward the stage on the opposite side of the building. She saw him slap high fives to a few of the patrons along the way before hopping on the stage, where a band had begun to set up their equipment.

“Dinky,” she called and waved for the older woman to join her. “Who was that guy?”

Dinky looked toward the stage and sighed. “Rueben—I don’t know his last name. He plays drums for one of the bands that comes through here once in a while.”

“Does he live in Jefferson?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t see him in here except when his band is playing.” Dinky removed the popcorn bowl and wiped down the bar. “Can I get you another one of them Bayou Bombs, honey?”

Tasha nodded, her eyes trained on the stage. Whomever she was to make contact with here was running late. At least she would have something to occupy her until they showed.

“Rueben,” she whispered, liking the warm feeling saying his name gave her, and settled in to wait.

Alex’s leg caught an unseen corner as she exited the bathroom and pain sliced across her shin. “Ow! Fucking hell!”

“Steady,” Varik muttered. His hands settled at her waist, keeping her upright.

After leaving the hospital, he tried to convince her to spend the night at his apartment, but she insisted on returning to the hotel and checking on Dweezil. She also thought she’d be safer in her hotel room, having lived there for weeks and being familiar with its floor plan. The throbbing pain in her shin told her otherwise. “I hate being blind.”

“You’ll adjust in time.”

“I don’t want to adjust. I want to see, damn it!”

He slipped his arms around her, pulled her against him, and nestled his chin on her shoulder. “You will, baby, but until you can, you need to relax a little and let your other senses take over.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re not the one stumbling in the dark.”

“I said I would help you.”

“Aside from keeping the bond constantly open so I can see through your eyes, what can you do, Varik?”

“Make you more aware of your surroundings by heightening your other senses.”


Warm breath prickled her flesh as he sighed. A wash of sandalwood and cinnamon enveloped her and made her pulse jump. Soft lips traced the scar along her neck. Alex inhaled sharply and shifted her stance, exposing more of her throat to him.

Fingertips replaced his lips, featherlight as they explored the length of her scar from collarbone to ear. He pulled her earlobe into his mouth, grazing her flesh with the tip of one fang.

She shivered as his hands cupped her face. “Varik—”

His mouth slanted over hers and his tongue raked across her lips, demanding entry.

She opened to him and his tongue curled around hers. Fangs grazed her lower lip, teasing her with their points until her knees threatened to give way.

Alex drew in a breath when he broke the kiss. “Varik, I can’t—”

“Shh,” he hissed, pressing a finger to her lips.

She opened the blood-bond. We shouldn’t—

He closed the bond, sealing himself away, and kissed her forehead. “Do you trust me?”

She nodded.

“Then shut up,” he murmured, recapturing her lips.

Alex twisted his hair around her fingers as they kissed, while his arms encircled her waist, holding her tightly against him as he lifted her and spun.

He pinned her against a wall, pressing close. Jasmine and vanilla mingled with sandalwood and cinnamon and set her mind spiraling into Copyright 2016 - 2024