Blood Secrets - By Jeannie Holmes Page 0,50

spat. He grabbed Alex’s shoulders. “Listen to me—”

“Let go,” Alex said through clenched teeth.

His grip tightened. “No, you’re going to listen to me for once, damn it!”

“Stephen, I’m warning you.”

“Don’t do this. Just walk away from it, all of it.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Yes, you can.”

“What about Mindy Johnson? Can she walk away? Can her family?”

“That’s not fair, and you know it.”

“I understand your concern, Stephen, but like Damian said, there’s a missing girl whose life is in danger. If I can do something, anything, to help find her, then that’s what I have to do.” She laid her hands over his and gently pulled them away.

“I don’t want to stand over my baby sister’s grave.”

“We’re not kids anymore. You can’t protect me from all the bullies.”

“I can try,” he growled.

Varik’s arm tightened possessively around her waist.

“And what will you do?” she asked. “Beat up anyone who says something negative about me?”

“Of course not, but—”

“What about the Tribunal? Are you going to take them on as well?”

“You’re blowing this out of proportion.”

“Am I? You’re throwing barbs at Varik every chance you get because of what happened in Louisville. Did you even once stop to consider that maybe he and I have worked past that, and maybe I want him to be a part of my life?”

The bond pulsed with Varik’s surprise and excitement even though he remained still beside her.

“He’s going to hurt you again,” Stephen said.

“You don’t know that, and I can’t keep denying the fact that he and I are bond-mates.” Another ripple of emotion jolted the bond. “Regardless of what kind of relationship we had in the past or may have in the future, the bond remains the same. The past can’t be changed. I have to accept that, and so do you.”

A moment of tense silence was followed by the sound of boots on linoleum and the door scraping open.

“I don’t have to accept a damn thing,” Stephen said from the doorway. “Not when it concerns that asshole.”

The door’s hydraulics hissed as it shut. Alex hung her head and sighed, lost in a quagmire of confusing thoughts and emotions. The scent of lavender and lilacs and a gentle hand on her arm lifted her head.

“Don’t pay any attention to him, honey,” her mother said softly. “He’ll come around in time.”

Alex nodded, unable to speak past the lump that had formed in her throat.

“I should go. I know the three of you probably have official business to discuss.” Her mother gave her a quick hug. “I’ll call and check on you later.”

Alex nodded and a moment later she heard the door open and close. Tilting her head slightly, she was able to zero in on the area of the room where Damian stood by listening for the steady rhythm of his breathing. “So, how much trouble am I in with Morgan and the Tribunal?”

“Considerable,” Damian rumbled. The rustle of clothing indicated he moved out of the corner to stand in front of her. “Morgan knows about the blood-bond, which hadn’t been previously recorded with the Bureau. She also knows you can part the Veil. She’s on the phone with the Tribunal now.”

“Getting orders to haul my ass into jail, no doubt.”

“Possibly but unlikely,” Varik said. “I don’t think the Tribunal will rush into any sort of judgment based on one incident. My guess is they’ll tell Morgan to keep an eye on you, but I don’t think they’ll throw you in jail.”

“Not yet,” Damian agreed. “Regardless of what they do, the Tribunal will have to proceed with caution. Until the Black investigation, you had a spotless record, plus you’re Bernard Sabian’s daughter. Public opinion will play a role in the inquiry whether the Tribunal wants it to or not.”

Alex knew they both spoke the truth, but she wasn’t certain she fully believed it. Her father’s murder had been the catalyst for the vampire community’s decision to reveal itself to humanity, a decision most thought had been for the betterment of the community. However, there were those who thought they should’ve remained hidden, living in the shadows. No one knew how many of these holdouts there were among the community or where they may rise. Her inquiry could become a political hotbed with two sides of the community fighting for dominance, leaving her defenseless in the middle.

The steady beep of a cell phone interrupted the downward spiral of her thoughts.

“Alberez,” Damian answered, silencing the beeping, and then paused. “You’re certain?” Pause. “Keep me updated.”

Alex heard the snap of his Copyright 2016 - 2024