Blood Secrets - By Jeannie Holmes Page 0,48

I really want to nail this son of a bitch.”

Silence crept into the room as they both became lost in their own thoughts. The memory of the screams emanating from the dolls rose unbidden from her subconscious, making her shiver.

She reached for Varik, eager to feel his touch, to have him banish the screams, and was rewarded with his fingers interlacing with hers. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“For what?”

“I fucked up in front of Morgan. I was stupid.”

“No, you weren’t,” Varik said softly, his body pressing against her knees. “We were both attacked. If you hadn’t followed the possessing entity into the Shadowlands, I might still be there. I don’t have the ability to part the Veil like you.”

“I know.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you could access the Hall of Records?”

She shrugged. “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. I’m sure there are plenty of others who can do it.”

“No, there aren’t. It’s a rare ability, even rarer than parting the Veil.”

“Dad could do it.”

“I know, that’s why he was—” Varik abruptly stopped speaking and pulled away from her.

“Why he was what?” Alex reached for him and found only dead air. “For that matter, how did you know my father? He was just a history professor.” She felt pressure on her legs as he returned and laid his hands on her thighs.

“You know how close-knit the vampire community is in Louisville,” he said and she could hear the smile in his voice. He traced lazy patterns on top of her jeans, sending small electric pulses through her body. “The same was true back then. Bernard had a reputation for being a great professor. It was my job to know certain things about prominent members of the community.”

She stopped the motion of his hands, and his fingers entwined with hers. “That’s it?”

“That’s it,” he echoed and then chuckled. “Would I lie to you?”

“In a fucking heartbeat.”

“Only if it was in your best interests.”

“Or yours.”

“Remember our conversation in the Shadowlands about trust?”

“I remember it, but I know you, Varik. You keep secrets like some people keep houseplants. Your brain is a greenhouse for lies and half-truths.”

“At least I’m honest about it.”

Alex sighed and leaned forward, striking her nose against his shoulder. Hissing in pain, she pulled back and fought to restrain the tears that threatened to spill over. “Damn it! How the hell am I supposed to do anything when I can’t fucking see?”

Varik removed her sunglasses and his gentle hands cupped her face. The blood-bond pulsated and warmed as Varik’s voice slipped into her thoughts. You let me help you.

A clear image formed in her mind. She saw herself—hair tangled, face streaked with dust, and clothes rumpled—sitting on a gurney. Seen through Varik’s point of view, it was disorienting at first when he looked around the room. Bandages, gauze, and tape littered a rolling tray near the door. Gray cabinets hung on pale blue cinder-block walls. Then he focused on her once more.

Alex smirked and saw the action mirrored by the image in her head. “This is like watching yourself on live television. It’s freaking me out.”

“I can help with that, too.” The image faded as Varik closed the bond’s connection. “You just need to relax.”

Excitement pulsed through her body as his lips found hers. Her hands slipped around his neck and her fingers curled in his shortened hair while his arms encircled her waist. She parted her legs to allow him to step forward, pressing close.

His hands slid down her back to cup her bottom and pulled her even closer. Their natural scents of jasmine and vanilla, sandalwood and cinnamon swirled around them and enticed them to explore their desire.

A new vision, one born of fantasy, pushed its way into her mind. Muscles in her lower abdomen contracted in anticipation and she gasped.

Varik chuckled and kissed the scar on her neck. See what you’ve been missing by ignoring me all day?

I haven’t been ignoring you. We were working.

You’ve avoided me, avoided this. He nibbled her earlobe, teasing it with his fangs.

Coherent thought faltered and fled before his pleasurable onslaught. She wrapped her legs around him and shivered as his fangs grazed her neck.

I want you. His hand edged under her shirt, tracing her jean’s waistband and prickling her flesh.

Alex giggled. You do realize we’re still technically on duty.

He leaned forward, gently pushing her onto the bed. One hand remained at the small of her back while the other left a trail of tingling fire over her ribs and Copyright 2016 - 2024