Blood Secrets - By Jeannie Holmes Page 0,10

Reyes and Freddy beside Mindy Johnson’s car. “We need her. You know we won’t catch this guy without a Talent, and Alex is the closest thing we’ve got to one.”

Damian frowned and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Standing nearly seven feet tall with muscles to rival a young Arnold Schwarzenegger and polished ebony skin, he was an impressive figure before he ever flashed his fangs. “She hasn’t been properly tested. You have no real proof she’s a Talent.”

Talents—vampires who displayed any form of psychic ability—were rare and highly prized in many fields, especially law enforcement.

“The fact she’s been an Enforcer for over twenty years and hasn’t been tested is odd,” Damian continued. “Don’t you think? Especially given that she’s Bernard’s daughter.”

Alex’s father had been the undisputed leader of the Talents in the pre-FBPI era. As the top-performing Hunter, Varik had been partnered with Bernard for many years, long before Alex was born. A secret he worked daily to keep hidden from Alex.

Varik shrugged and faced the crime scene, watching his former trainee as she worked with the forensic analysts. “It’s a little strange, I suppose, but I’m not the one who decides which recruits are tested and which aren’t.”

“Yeah, but you do have a knack for pulling strings.”

“I learned from the best.”

Damian grunted.

“I’ve been inside Alex’s head. Yes, she lacks the training and discipline, but I’ve seen the things Alex can do. Trust me. She’s one of the best Talents I’ve seen in a long time.”

“For your sake, you’d better be right about her abilities. I had to do some serious maneuvering to get her reinstated. If she can’t deliver, I’m going to make your life hell.”

Varik scoffed. “You’ve been doing that ever since you pulled my ass out of retirement.”

“A decision I’ll be regretting for a long time, I can assure you.”

Varik gestured for Damian to move toward the tape barrier and fell into step beside him. “Did you have a chance to examine the doll?” he asked, changing the subject to one of a more immediate concern.

Damian nodded. “Yeah. It definitely looks like the Dollmaker’s handiwork.”

“Shit. I was really hoping you wouldn’t say that.”

“I’m not happy about it either. Hell, you tried to catch this son of a bitch for years with no luck. He drops out of sight and now suddenly he shows up in Jefferson, of all places. Why?”

“How the hell should I know? As you pointed out, I had no luck catching the bastard.”

“Don’t be a smart-ass. There’s still the possibility of a copycat.”

“Damian, you know as well as I do that we made certain to keep his signature under wraps to prevent copycats. It has to be him.”

They stopped beside the temporary yellow barricade and both focused on Alex as she leaned over a kneeling Freddy Haver to examine something the forensic analyst pointed to on the car’s open door.

The omnipresent low hum of the blood-bond in the back of Varik’s mind grew louder as Alex seemed to sense their focus. She righted herself and when her eyes found his, Varik’s heart jumped with a surge of adrenaline. The bond crackled between them and made his flesh prickle. He couldn’t prevent the smile that sprouted on his face.

She gave him a half-smile in return and refocused her attention on Freddy.

Damian clamped a hand on Varik’s shoulder. “Keep it in your pants, Baudelaire,” he muttered.

Varik’s glare earned a throaty chuckle in response.

“Just remember one thing,” Damian said as Varik ducked under the barrier. “While you’re watching her ass, the Tribunal will also be watching it, and yours.”

Varik recoiled in mock horror. “Kinky bastards.”

“I’ll be sure to tell the Special Investigator you said that.”

Varik laughed as he added his name and badge number to the communication officer’s log and then pulled a pair of latex gloves from the box offered by the officer. “Don’t you have some paperwork to file or something?” he asked Damian as he snapped the gloves in place.

“Just watch your step.” Damian spun and backtracked toward the women’s dorm. “Keep me posted on your progress,” he shot over his shoulder.

Varik let the comment go without response and joined Alex beside the car.

“What’s up with Damian?” Alex asked as he approached. “He looked pissed as hell just now.”

“He always looks that way.”

“True, but I know that look, and it said ‘I’m going to kill Varik.’ What did you say to him?”

“I told him the office was out of creamer for the coffee.” He circled the car and ignored her Copyright 2016 - 2024