Blood (Scales 'n' Spells #3) - A.J. Sherwood Page 0,96

hard it is to find a private moment when you’re trying to spend some time with your gefreogen,” Warin said.

“Gefreogen?” Sora repeated, looking over at Ravi.

“It means someone you are seeing seriously with the intention of claiming as your mate,” Ravi explained with a smile. He cocked his head to the side a little. “Do you not use that term in the Sodalicium?”

Sora shook his head. “No, we don’t have a term like that. So, I’m your gefreogen?”

Ravi nodded and stepped closer, wrapping his now human arms around Sora’s waist. “And I’m your gefreogen.”

“I like that,” Sora murmured. He leaned down and brushed a kiss to Ravi’s temple, reveling in his ability to do that so casually. For the moment, there were no eyes on them, no one speculating about their future. North and Warin were just as lost in each other as they…holy crap! They were stripping off their clothes. Sora quickly ripped his eyes away, turning his back to them.

North’s laughter rang out. “Oh, come on! You can’t tell me you’ve never been skinny dipping!”

“Oh!” Sora said, a blush still burning his cheeks. He looked down at Ravi to find a question in his eyes and a smile on his lips. Why not?

Sora ripped his shirt off and toed out of his shoes.

“Hot damn!” Ravi shouted and started dancing around, stripping his clothes off as fast as he could.

Sora was just getting to his jeans when he heard a loud splash and a shout behind him. He twisted to see North’s wet blond head swimming farther out into the water. A second later, Warin’s dark head popped above the surface next to North. He pulled his mate close, earning a squeal of delight from North.

“Hurry up, slow poke!” Ravi called before streaking naked across the shore to jump into the lake.

Sora shucked the last of his clothes and followed the wind dragon in, jumping into the water, only to immediately surface with a shout. Fuck! The water was cold.

“You could have warned me!” Sora shouted at his companion, earning a round of laughter.

As the sun steadily sank below the horizon, they swam and splashed in the water. Even swimming, Ravi was the fastest creature Sora had ever seen. He cut through the lake with the same ease that he zipped across the sky. Sora could only marvel at him. He looked stunning, too, the water only highlighting his golden skin, and doing little to disguise that lithe body. If it weren’t so damn cold, Sora would have reacted to the sight alone.

Everyone reverted back to childhood, splashing at each other, trying to dunk each other’s heads underwater. They played for a while before the cold got to North and he started snuggling with Warin, not willing to get out yet and enjoying the excuse of wrapping himself around his mate. That was how Sora read the situation.

Ravi, apparently, thought it a grand idea, as he promptly did the same to Sora, wrapping himself around the man and snuggling in, his wet, naked skin a delight in many senses. Sora held him close with a hand at the small of his back, stealing a kiss.

The couples drifted apart, the distance giving them some privacy as they enjoyed a little time with each other. Sora found himself talking in quiet tones with Ravi, speaking of important things and nonsensical things with equal ease. It was a perfect, pristine moment.

But they couldn’t stay too long. The water really was cold, and the fire dragon could only warm it so much without endangering the fish swimming around them. If he hadn’t been shivering, Sora would have argued that they should remain in the water a little longer. He’d not been skinny dipping since he was a teenager, and never with dragons.

More than that, he knew that once they got out, it would be time to head back to the castle. He didn’t want this momentary escape to end.

On the shore, North pulled four towels out of a bag and passed them out. They quickly dried off and put their clothes back on, but found themselves lingering, sitting on the soft grass along the shore.

“Are you liking it at Burkhard?” North suddenly asked.

“I am. Very much. Everyone is incredibly nice.”

North hummed his agreement, his eyes darting back toward the water, which had turned into a black pool in the growing darkness. “They are. When I went searching for dragons, I never expected anything like this.”

“You mentioned before that you didn’t grow up around Copyright 2016 - 2024