Blood (Scales 'n' Spells #3) - A.J. Sherwood Page 0,90

good addition. Willow bark acted as a topical pain reliever all by itself. Add that into this mixture, and it could only enhance the other elements.

“You added in willow bark recently?”

“Tori’s addition,” Cameron explained. “Tori, frankly, knows more herbology than most of us combined. He’s the one who suggested it, and it has definitely helped.”

“Yes, it would. He’s mentioned to me he’s interested in becoming a healer. I didn’t know what to say when we first discussed it, and he’s not brought it up since.”

“Tori would jump at the chance to learn, if someone was willing to teach him.” Lisette eyed him as if wondering about Sora’s intentions. “He has a very keen mind, that one.”

“If not myself, then someone of my family will be happy to teach him more of the trade. We believe that knowledge should be passed along to those willing to learn.”

Sora made a mental note to bring this up with his parents. Heaven knew, they needed more healers, and his parents were always excited at the prospect of teaching. If they were going into an outright war, then the healers would be at their wits’ end. Sora set the thought aside to be handled later and focused on the here and now.

“I see no issue with what you’re using. But I do have a few thoughts. Something we can use in addition to the salve. I suspect there is a build-up of scar tissue interfering with the nerves. I have a potion that can help break it up and then keep it from rebuilding.”

“That sounds promising, too.” Lisette propped her hands on her hips, clearly thinking hard. “A maintenance potion to keep trouble from reaccumulating in the future.”

“Yes, that’s precisely what it is. It’s not a complicated potion, and if we apply it before the pain-relieving salve you have here, then it will significantly cut into King Alric’s numbness.”

Cameron was so excited he practically vibrated in his chair. “That sounds amazing. We’ve never been able to do anything about the numbness. You know what? I’m calling him. Right now.”

Before either of them could say a word, Cameron had his phone in his hand. It rang twice before he said quickly, “Hey, where are you? I want you in Lisette’s workroom now. What do you mean you’re only ten steps away, why are you—Ravi?”

The door opened, and Alric stepped through, a half-smile on his face. He pocketed his phone as he stepped inside, closing the door behind him. “Ravi insisted I was meant to be here about this time, for some reason. I’m almost afraid to ask. Why am I here?”

Of course Ravi would orchestrate the king’s presence, having known about this meeting beforehand. Sora wasn’t even surprised.

Cameron bounced out of his chair and immediately grabbed King Alric’s shirt. “Off with that. Now.”

King Alric protested, trying to bat away his hands. “Wait, wait, why are you trying to strip me?”

“You like it when I strip you,” Cameron pointed out, still wrestling with his shirt.

“Not when there’s an audience, I don’t!” King Alric’s voice had dropped to a low hiss as if he didn’t want everyone to hear.

Sora decided to step in before this became ridiculous. “King Alric, I believe I can mitigate most of the symptoms you’re suffering. May I examine you?”

King Alric stopped wrestling with Cameron—although he kept a firm grip on one hand—and blinked at Sora in surprise. “Is that why I’m here?”

“Yes. I believe, based on your symptoms, that you might have a compression to the c-spine. It would explain much if that’s the case. And I might be able to reverse it, at least to some degree.” Sora indicated the clean surface of the worktable nearby. “If you’ll sit there, I can examine you.”

King Alric’s expression warred between hope and resignation. It was clear he felt torn about giving Sora access to his body and putting himself in the realm of hope once again. But one look at his mate’s face—his expression making it clear that he dearly wished for King Alric to be examined—settled him. He nodded once and allowed Cameron to help him out of his dress shirt.

Sora moved to collect his black bag and pulled out the necessary ingredients, setting up on the table as King Alric carefully hopped up with Cameron’s assistance. Once settled, Sora pulled together his favorite diagnostic spell and readied it.

King Alric’s back told its own story. It was a mess of badly healed skin, burns, and scars. The dipped alignment of the shoulder said Copyright 2016 - 2024