Blood (Scales 'n' Spells #3) - A.J. Sherwood Page 0,88

It would be only natural that Sora would want to return to his own home and people. If they were officially mated, Ravi would go with Sora. But how could he leave Burkhard?

“Ravi, naturally, we wish for you and Sora to stay with us,” Alric continued gently. “We want only your happiness. Do you know what Sora wishes to do? Does he plan to return home to the Sodalicium?”

“I don’t know,” Ravi whispered. He cleared his throat and tried again. “I’m terrified to ask. What if he wants to go home? He’s my mate. I know he’s my mate. Of course, I’d go with him. His happiness is all I want in the world. If going home makes him happy, then that’s what we’ll do. But…this is my home. My family. I—I don’t want to leave.”

“And we will always be your home and family. Even if you are living with the Abe and the Sodalicium, you and Sora will always be welcome in Burkhard. Nothing will change that.”

“Thank you, Alric. I don’t know what to do. I love being here, surrounded by my family. It means everything to me. But Sora…I know he’s my mate. I’ll do anything to make him happy. Even leave my home.”

Alric threw his head back and laughed, squeezing Ravi tight against his side. “Ravi, you do everything so quickly. Why are you so slow with this?”

“What am I to do?”

The older dragon’s hand gripped his shoulder and gave him a little shake. “Talk to him!”


“There is no but. You’re so worried, but you have no idea what he’s thinking or feeling. Maybe he wishes to stay with us. Maybe he wishes to split his time between both clans. You don’t know and won’t know until you talk to him.”

Well, yes, that solution was pretty obvious, but it didn’t help with the swirling nerves in his stomach.

“If he’s truly your mate, he values your happiness as much as you value his,” Alric nudged. “Cameron and I have had plenty of difficult and nerve-wracking conversations over the past year, but I trust him, and I believe in us. I know that no matter how scary the conversation might feel, we will always find a way to be happy.”

“And if he’s not my true mate?” Ravi looked up to see an exasperated expression on Alric’s face.

“Do you honestly believe that?”

A grin split across Ravi’s lips before he could stop it. “No.”

He’d barely been able to ask the question. Sora had to be his mate. He felt it down in his bones. He felt it written on his soul. Sora was his, and he belonged to Sora.

“Then go, Ravi.” Alric laughed and shoved him toward the door. “Spend some time with your Sora and your family. Have a wonderful night. I have a neglected mate who needs my attention.”

Ravi laughed and took a couple steps toward the door before stopping suddenly. He turned on the balls of his feet and lunged toward Alric, knocking him back against the desk. He wrapped his king—his brother—in a tight hug.

“Thank you for always making me feel like I belong here,” he said around the lump in his throat as he buried his face against Alric’s chest.

Alric drew in a ragged breath as he wrapped his arms around Ravi again. His cheek rested against the top of his head.

“Ravi, you have always belonged here and always will. You have been my brother, friend, and protector since the first moment you came into my life. You will be missed by everyone here if you leave, but know this will always be your home.”

Warmth and love wrapped around his heart, squeezing him. He could do this. He could talk to Sora, and they’d figure out their fate together.

And if it meant leaving Burkhard, then he could do it. The people he loved would never stop loving him, and he would always love them regardless of whether he saw them every day or only once in a great while. Life was an adventure, and he was ready to take the next step with his mate.

Reluctantly, he released Alric and roughly wiped at his burning eyes. Stupid allergies—that had to be it. At least he wasn’t the only one; Alric’s blue eyes were sparkling, too.

“Have a fun, naughty night with Cam.”

“Go, Ravi!” Alric chuckled.

With a final laugh, Ravi walked briskly toward the door. He needed to find his mate.

And maybe a Twister mat or two.

Sora sat with Lisette and Cameron in the head mage’s workroom, seated comfortably Copyright 2016 - 2024