Blood (Scales 'n' Spells #3) - A.J. Sherwood Page 0,148

keep you safe and protect you always. You are my happiness, my heart. You are the wind that lifts me in flight and carries me back to our home.”

Sora blinked away tears but didn’t catch them all in time. One slipped down his face. His wide smile never wavered as he watched Ravi take three small sips from the cup and then hand it over.

“I, Abe Sora, vow to always love you with all of my heart and soul. I vow to devote my life to your happiness and the happiness of our children. I vow to lay down my life to keep you safe and protect you always. You are the joy that heals all wounds and gives my soul eternal life.”

As he watched Sora take the first three sips, Ravi felt the little strings running from his soul to Sora’s growing stronger and tighter, binding them together. They continued to recite vows, acknowledging their families with the second cup and their clans with the third. Ravi hated to admit that it became a little bit of a blur. Finally, Sora set the final cup down and they held hands across the table.

Sora smiled broadly and lifted his voice while at the same time drawing on Ravi’s power. “Sifa fat-conqi gabofo zold vitar gev adi.”

I claim you as my mate and bind your soul to mine.

Ravi was sure he’d never waited so long to hear a spell cast. At the same time, he had never been sure he’d find someone to say those words to him.

“Sifa fat-conqi gabofo zold vitae,” Ravi replied, nearly choking on his joy.

I claim you as my mate and give my soul to you.

Brilliant gold flared across Sora’s lovely eyes, briefly changing the deep-brown irises to gold coins that glowed with an inner light. Magic energy rushed down Ravi’s right arm and through Sora’s body to exit out his left, completing the circle and officially binding them together.

The sudden connection was followed by a wave of emotions. What he’d been able to sense from Sora while he’d been kidnapped had been a pale shadow of what he felt now. Each emotion was so finely nuanced that he could nearly read his thoughts. Pure, unadulterated joy, confidence, devotion, and love. So much love. He couldn’t imagine how Sora managed to keep it all in his body, but then it only matched what Ravi felt for his mate.

Ravi’s dragon roared in his ears, and Sora suddenly laughed, making him think his mate had heard the happy shout as well. Releasing one of Sora’s hands, he grabbed his new mate and pulled him close, sealing their bonding with a hungry kiss.

Alric’s laughter filled the canopy. “It is official. May I present the newly bonded couple, Ravi Burkhard and Sora Burkhard.”

A roar of cheering flew off the mountaintop, and Ravi found himself laughing while kissing his brand-new mate. He never wanted to stop kissing this man, didn’t want to move from this moment, but they had family to greet and a celebration to get to. They had a lifetime for kissing.

Reluctantly, he released Sora and stared into eyes that now held a little ring of gold. It marked him as a mage mated to a dragon.

“I love you, Sora Burkhard. My honey bear.”

“I love you, my handsome dragon.”

They rose as one and hugged Alric before turning to the crowd. There was a rush of well wishes, hugs, and laughter. Ravi was swamped with happy friends and faces he’d grown up with, but it was several minutes before he realized that he hadn’t seen Gunter.

Yes, he’d gone out of his way to drive the dragon crazy on more than one occasion. Okay, he did it all the time. But there was no way Gunter would have missed this.

Pulling himself free of Cassie’s bone-crushing hug, Ravi moved to the edge of the crowd. He finally spotted Gunter standing off to the side, away from all the noise. Clinging to Gunter’s side was Nikki.

The mage looked alternately terrified, overwhelmed, and fascinated by all the dragons and mages milling about. Here and there a dragon would shift and dart off back toward the castle, and Nikki’s eyes would follow the dragon.

Nikki leaned up to Gunter’s ear and whispered something. Gunter nodded and replied, his gaze finally catching on Ravi, who’d been watching them intently. A small, resigned smile lifted one corner of Gunter’s mouth, and he shrugged, but Ravi didn’t miss that Gunter’s hand also tightened on Nikki’s, keeping the mage tucked close Copyright 2016 - 2024