Blood (Scales 'n' Spells #3) - A.J. Sherwood Page 0,129

might have made this old history, but the pain of the losses he’d suffered was still there. It would always, at some level, be there. And arguing with these idiots did no good, he knew that. But Ravi couldn’t seem to stop himself.

“And your ancestors’ way of dealing with heartbreak was to kill millions of innocent people, so excuse me if I’m not really interested in showing sympathy!”

Thomas looked ready to belt him in the mouth for that, but he restrained himself with obvious effort, his fists clenching at his sides. “Well. It’s all water under the bridge at this point, isn’t it? I do think it’s poetic justice, however.”

Ravi eyed the other mage suspiciously. Why did the man smell like that? Jaeggi mages always smelled weird, their magic fractured. But this man had the smell of good magic wrapped around him. Well, good in the sense that it smelled like normal magic, but it had overtones of something malignant. If that made sense. His dragon did not like the smell of it.

And Ravi didn’t like where this was going.

“I don’t know about poetic justice or whatever, but I have this burning question that really needs an answer. Why am I naked?”

Thomas ignored his perfectly valid question, going off on a maniacal sort of rant. “Poetic justice, dragon, because for once the tables will be turned. Instead of a dragon using mages, a mage will be able to use you.”

Now that, Ravi couldn’t let stand.

“Excuse you very much, dragons use mages? The hell! Do you know how precious our mages are to us? The amount of trouble and pain we’ll suffer to safeguard them? You’re seriously unhinged if you think I’d ever use a mage for my own ends! And what the hell do you mean, you’re going to use me? I have no magic to give you, and I gotta tell you, hostages never pan out well. For any side.”

Jerk Face tsked at him. And, for some reason, started undoing his pants. “You do have magic, dragon. Of your own sort.”

“Uh, last I checked, I really did not. I mean, I can let people borrow dragon’s breath, that’s about it.” Ravi eyed him warily as the man undid his zipper. “Okay, I was going to let this slide. Because I know you Jaeggi are weird and don’t get out much, I figured maybe I would let this go. But I find I really can’t. Why the hell are you pulling your dick out in the middle of a conversation?”

Jerk Face kept his hand around his own dick and started stroking. “We told you, we will use you for our own ends.”

Ravi wasn’t the type to be slow on the uptake. Usually. But in this case, he was really hoping he was wrong.

“Use me as in rape me? Dude. Are you stupid? Like, literally, having sex with me will do absolutely nothing for your magic mojo. You understand that, right? Or has it been so long since you’ve been around dragons you’ve literally forgotten how this works?”

With a chiding tsk, Thomas corrected, “Not have sex with you. Well, that too. Which I’m sure Moritz will enjoy thoroughly.”

Moritz grinned lecherously. Considering he was well into his sixties, with a craggy face and a bulldog nose, the expression looked really creepy. And wrong on so many levels that it sent goose bumps racing up and down Ravi’s skin.

You know what? Ravi didn’t care that he’d learned the man’s name. He’d remain Jerk Face.

“He’ll bond with you,” Thomas continued calmly. Like they were discussing something banal—the weather, more news at five. Nothing interesting here, folks.

Ravi stared at them, eyes wide, a man waiting for the punchline to a very bad joke.

It didn’t come.

His mouth worked, and eventually he croaked out, “Excuse you?”

“He’ll bond with you,” Thomas repeated, amused at his reaction.

Seriously, all the man was missing was a cigar dangling out of his mouth and a Scotch that he could idly swirl in one hand.

Ravi kept staring at them. They’d lost their god-given minds. Like, there was no other explanation. How did they expect this to work? No, seriously, how did they even think this would work? It was sick and wrong, what they were trying. Ravi was alarmed and disgusted at being their victim. But…but what they wanted to do wouldn’t get them the result they wanted.

He lifted up one leg and in lieu of a hand, pointed his foot at Jerk Face. “Hold up there, horny. You two gotta explain this Copyright 2016 - 2024