Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,93

It was nice. Made her feel special.

She followed the scent of food and found her dog being spoiled by David as he tossed pieces of bacon Star’s way.

“She’s going to need cholesterol medication if you’re not careful,” Rowan said as she moved to pour herself a cup of coffee. If she waited to be served she’d be getting tea from Elisabeth. And while she liked tea a lot, she needed coffee first thing when she woke up.

But fortunately, Elisabeth knew that and had a pot of coffee ready for her. As well as a plate of breakfast, wrapped and ready to be eaten.

“Elisabeth is an angel,” Rowan murmured.

“She ran out to grocery shop. Should be back within the hour. Said to let Betchamp know if you needed anything before that,” David said.

“I think I can manage eating until she gets back. Not that I don’t appreciate all the effort she makes to smooth my life out like having food, really good food, available at all times.” She shot a quick look and grin at David. “Of course I always appreciated it when you made me food as well.”

He appeared mollified by that so she went on. “Anything exciting happen while I was sleeping?”

“It’s been quiet so far. Vanessa and I had a meeting. She’s got a lot of research about the Fae so I went through it all and created some bullet points so you don’t need to pore over hundreds of pages.”

“Thank you. That’s very helpful indeed.”

“I’m always pleased to be of service. You know that.”

She did. And it seemed to really make him happy to help her. Rowan realized she needed to let him do things like that more often. He was good at his job and she trusted his judgment so she needed to give him some more responsibility in that area. Especially if they were moving in a new direction with these teams.

After they managed to kill a nearly unkillable Faerie, of course.

She looked through the research while she ate her breakfast. As much as she loved Star, Rowan also loved bacon and since David already shared his, Rowan piled hers on the fresh bread and made a sandwich.

“I think I have some iron weapons somewhere. We’ll have to check the weapons locker,” she muttered.

“I took the liberty of reaching out to some local sources. We should be expecting a delivery later today.”

Rowan sighed. “I don’t like it when my blade won’t work.”

“It’ll work. Just not as well as an iron weapon will. They don’t have a lot of weaknesses, but an iron tipped blade to the heart should do it. Then you’re supposed to take his head.”

“Do any of the people writing these tips know how hard it is to behead someone? Takes a lot of upper body strength.” Rowan was glad she’d been working on that. Lifting weights to keep herself in the kind of shape necessary to hack the heads off Faeries, apparently.

“Probably not,” David said without a hint of the smile she knew was in there somewhere. “But you’ll be with a Vampire. He’s got the power necessary for such a feat. Doesn’t even need a blade.”

Clive was rather delightfully brutal and strong when he needed to be.

“It’s a shame there aren’t any spells that can just explode them or something.”

“Perhaps you can bring it up to Genevieve and she can get right on it.”

Rowan smirked at him. “Don’t think I’m unaware you’re joking. However, I just might because it would be a very helpful thing to have at the next battle.”

“Certainly,” he said, the smile breaking out at the edges of his mouth until she started to laugh.

“You could have gotten a totally different Hunter to work with and you got me. I’m sorry.”

He laughed with her. “I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. Not then. Not now. You have better food, I bet, and also the living conditions are very nice indeed. Plus, it looks like the pool is finished and I probably wouldn’t have that if I was still in London.”

“True. But you would have access to really fantastic fish and chips. Well, the fish part. You and I both know my opinions on mushy, floppy french fries. Oh and mushy peas, which sounds so awful but is really quite good.”

“All the chip shops near your place in London know to make your chips extra crispy,” David told her.

“There is that. And I don’t think it’s from fear either.”

“It’s the tips, I believe,” David said.

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