Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,89

remember that.

“And how do I see these rivers? So that I can follow them?”

He thought about it for a moment. “Seems to me that if a spell is drawing that power, there should be a way to create a spell to find it.”

That was the most direct thing he’d ever said to her. She stood there, agape for a moment until he cackled, laughing until tears ran down his face.

“I told you, Bitsy, there are rules. But even rule makers can get worried about the future. And when that happens, sometimes rules get bent.”

“This is threatening you too? Like sages, or beings of power like you?”

“Something like that. And, Sally? I’m telling you straight, be careful. This is not like any foe you’ve ever faced. I like to show up and drive you places so don’t mess that up. Where’s my dog?” he demanded suddenly.

“She’s with David. I asked her if she wanted to come with me but she decided against it. That may have something to do with the fact that David stops at In-N-Out and buys her cheeseburgers and thinks I don’t know.”

“She’s happy then. That’s good. It’s good you ask her. She’s got opinions.”

Rowan laughed. “That she does. And she’s my dog. My familiar. My partner and keeper.”

“I see. Well. Okay then.” He didn’t look mad. Or sad. He looked amused and pleased with himself.

“But, she’s super cute, so I get if you miss her and want to see her. She’s usually with me these days, but whenever you’d like, I’m happy to arrange a visitation. Bring her bacon.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve got a fare to deliver so I’ll be seeing you around. Stay safe, Nancy.”

With a wave, he sauntered off and she hurried out to the lot to get her car and head over to Genevieve’s.

* * *

Clive did a double take when he caught sight of his wife driving past the restaurant he was sitting in while listening to a very boring update from another Vampire.

He stood. “Please excuse me a moment,” he murmured before quickly heading outside and down to the sidewalk. She sat at a red light and wasn’t paying any attention until he tugged on their bond and waved at her at the same time.

He watched as she started and then turned to lock her gaze on his. Her wariness passed and she smiled instead, rolling down the passenger window.

“Do you need a ride somewhere?”

He got in, even though he didn’t need a ride and he had a meeting in progress inside the restaurant at his back.

But nothing mattered but her and the way her smile brightened when he joined her.

“You’ve given me the opportunity to escape a very boring meeting,” he told her. “Why are you here in town?”

“I went to see Marv. Check if he’d heard anything about a sketchy Faerie or whatever. But instead, tonight it was Carl. He gave me a very good idea about how to track the Faerie and so I was going over to Genevieve’s hotel to see if what I think might work is actually in reality something that can be done.”

“May I come along?” he asked.

“Why are you asking?” she answered, wariness in her tone.

“Because I’m here with my wife instead of in a boring meeting full of Vampires complimenting themselves and bragging. Your to do list sounds much more interesting. I’m the boss, I get to leave when I want to.”

She shrugged. “Okay then.”

* * *

“And so, do you think it is possible to lock on to one of those siphon spells and follow it back to our Fae foe? Fae foe, Fae foe, Fae foe. Say that five times fast.”

His beautiful weird woman. Clive struggled not to laugh, as he noted Genevieve did.

“Unless I can find one that is currently operating, no. The siphon will only work for that time when it’s in action. So unless we knew where a person who’d been hit with the spell—and hasn’t died yet—was at, I have no starting point.” Genevieve twirled a tendril of her hair around her pointer finger as she thought.

“I could try to work a locator spell. I’ve been researching, trying to figure out the right combination to set the tracker in motion. I have the ingredients of the spells Patrizia wrote, so if the others are similar, I might be able to find one. But again, since Lyr died, I’m not sure how many of these spells are active anymore. They’d need to be set off consistently because Copyright 2016 - 2024