Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,86

it, in fact. But it didn’t stay. It leaked from her even as she performed a working. Or tried.”

“Whatever spells she used to steal her own magic, she couldn’t have used this for herself,” Darius said. “This magic would only draw the power to the Fae. And if she’d been Fae, you’d most likely be dead.”

Cold dread settled in her bones. “What do you mean? I’m not minor power.”

“No you aren’t. You’re a major power. So bright you can most likely be seen for miles away. And when you fully join with my Trick, you’re going to be able to use our power as well as your own. You’ll be able to draw on the combined magics that hold the Trick together. Remember, I said you’re our key. You’re the stable conduit and we’re the chaotic element. Put those together and it’s power on a much greater level.

“The Fae? They never made adjustments to live here in the modern human world, surrounded by cold iron that would weaken them. Keeping to Faerie, the Fae and their magic has never been weakened or lost like the magics of so many of us. If that witch had been Fae, she’d have been able to defeat you. So let us be grateful she was not.”

“But this is Fae magic you said. And, well, let’s just say I’m in possession of some information that someone had a prophecy dream with salt and iron in it.”

“Many forces are coming to bear here. There’ll be a feast for my Trick by the time this is done. Just because I haven’t had dealings with the Fae in some time does not mean they’re gone from the world. They visit here sometimes. To seek information usually. Sometimes ingredients for their spellwork that they can’t get on the other side of the Veil. Occasionally they take humans. Their numbers grow smaller. They take humans to breed on.”

Genevieve curled her lip. “Are you telling me they’re stealing women to force them to bear children?”

“And men. It does not happen all that often. But humans throw things away all the time. Sometimes they throw people away. You know that as I do. You see them living on the streets here in Las Vegas. Such humans are not missed.” He raised a shoulder.

“That’s not okay.”

“It’s what it is. Whether it is okay or not isn’t part of the equation. You know this, Genevieve.”

She waved it away. “Okay. Table that. For now because I’m trying to take one big insurmountable problem at a time. Right now I think we’re figuring out the Fae are involved with this whole conspiracy. And given what I know and what you’ve told me about them, chances are they’re at or near the top. Ugh. Let’s be real, it has to be some Fae person at the head of all these siphon spells. But why? If they’re so powerful why steal power from others who have far less than they do?”

“I believe that is the most important question. Why steal this power?”

Genevieve blew out a breath. “I need to talk to Rowan. We need to find more information about the Fae. See if we can figure out who this might be.”

Darius said, “We don’t take sides.”

Before she could tell him to fuck off, he lifted a hand to stay her and continued.

“But this isn’t an outside situation. You’re one of us now. Our land woke up to your touch. You have brought new energy and life into my Trick. We do not have archives in the way you might imagine. But we have avenues to seek information. I will use them and let you know what I find.”

“That would be very useful.” Genevieve knew they weren’t quite Fae, but still, saying thank you to a powerful being was tricky at best. No one wanted debts they didn’t mean to incur.

“Will you come to the bar soon? Not necessarily tonight, but soon? I would like for you to meet the rest of the Trick.”

“All right.”

“This ground is safe for you to be in,” he said, standing. “Some of the Trick will be watching at all times. If you have need of assistance, call my name.”

She walked him to the door. He paused to call out to Lorraine a quick compliment in French for the food. Lorraine grunted, but it was a good grunt.

“She comes with me,” Genevieve told Darius. “Lorraine is my family and she will be wherever I am.”

Darius nodded. “Understood.”

He took her hand and turned it over, Copyright 2016 - 2024