Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,82


As if.

“And the topper is that the Devils came out to meet us at some crossroads on their big old mean motorcycles and Darius, their leader or whatever, told Genevieve she was a salt witch and she had no idea what he meant. And they eye fucked one another. So. That happened.”

“I’ve never heard of a salt witch,” he said without commenting on the eye fucking.

“Me either. Since Darius is going to see her, I’m hoping she’ll update me on whatever it is he says. I bet she’s going to start researching it on her own anyway. But it connects with my dream, that’s for sure.”

Clive stared up at the sky a while. “And the iron being a connection to the Fae? I should have thought of that myself. I just haven’t dealt with any Fae in several centuries.”

“I don’t know for sure about the iron part being about the Fae, but at this point I’m leaning that way. I guess we’ll see. We have more questions than answers. But that balance is slowly changing.”

“Not fast enough for my liking,” he said. “The Fae are very powerful. And they do not have a human sensibility. At all. They’re not an enemy I relish taking on.”

“Me neither. So let’s hope that’s not the case. Was this like a Vampire army against an army of Fae? Because that sounds like a novel I read.”

“The very few Fae I’ve dealt with were solitary or in groups of three or less. No armies. Rogues, if I recall correctly. There was no cause for battle. They kept to their own ends and we to ours. But we kept an eye on them the way anyone would a predator. That was at least three hundred years ago.”

She said, “Well, let’s look on the bright side. If this is a Faerie, it’ll most likely just be one or two. Maybe three. But no army. I hope.” He growled and she laughed. “Come on. Let’s go inside. I want to shower and probably serve your sexual needs and then go to sleep. I am wrung out.”

“If I must,” he said, pulling her to him to kiss her before releasing her and following her into the house, Star at their heels.

Chapter Twenty-One

Genevieve had a difficult time sleeping when she got home from Patrizia’s so she’d given in and gotten up, wandering the hotel suite she was staying in until the house she’d rented was ready for her.

She’d tried a book and had put it aside after a few chapters. Nothing on television appealed. She wasn’t hungry.

Just restless.

So she’d ended up on her laptop, searching through the Conclave archives on everything they had gathered concerning the Fae and Faerie.

What they’d uncovered the night before with Patrizia had the ability to change everything she knew. Not just the salt witch thing, but the chance that the Fae might have begun traveling back to this side of the Veil with murder on their minds.

The Fae were best left on the other side of the Veil, not thinking about humans. That much she put together as she researched. Her limited experience with them was still enough to make her wary.

Wariness was good when it came to dealing with very powerful beings. She was one herself and she knew that to be true. The older she got, the more she learned, the more she felt just a little bit more estranged from humanity.

The last thing she wanted was to be like her father. Locked up in a tower, looking down at humanity without much empathy in his heart. He’d lost touch and that made him a threat to humans in a way they simply couldn’t even imagine.

Thankfully, he spent more time looking for arcane magics to learn and wield than plotting any sort of revolution against humanity. He understood they needed protecting. But from his perspective it was only to keep the paranormals safe.

It was better when the humans didn’t get worked up. Better for everyone. Even though there were less of them than humans, if a war came now, it would be a bloody rout.

Because small numbers were one thing, but incredible power most humans couldn’t meet was another.

When she’d finished looking up the Fae, she turned her research toward salt witches. And didn’t find much. Interestingly enough, what she did find was connected to the Fae, who used salt witches way back once upon a time.

The records were old and not entirely complete, so they didn’t say what for or why. Copyright 2016 - 2024