Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,61

it’ll appear as if two of the Treaty parties have united while leaving the third out.”

He lifted a shoulder as he continued to think.

She knew she’d hit the nail on the head though, because he hadn’t argued.

“This is going to be a great deal of work to make happen. Regardless of how the Nation ends up feeling,” he said at last.

Rowan’s sigh was heartfelt because boy oh boy was he right. A huge undertaking. Constant politics because the jealousy and infighting would start up the moment she introduced the idea.

She’d have to deal with an unmitigated amount of bullshit.

“I don’t have the personality to make things like this happen. I’m nowhere near being good at sucking up,” she said, trying to talk herself out of it.

“I disagree. You’re precisely the personality to make this happen. Anyone less blunt, anyone less strong and full of a sense of purpose and they’d walk all over you. You’d spend years in meetings just trying to decide on what font the contract would be in. Nothing would ever happen.”

He refilled her water and she nodded her thanks as she tried not to suck down her dinner like she’d been starving.

“If I do this, you’re going to be mad at me a time or three. It’s bound to happen,” she said and he actually chortled. “Did you just chortle? Chortle?”

Again with the smirk. “I’m mad at you a time or three at least daily. I expect that’ll be the same no matter what. We get past it because we agree on the most important things. Aside from making it easier for you, what’s in it for the Nation?”

Though she knew he was just giving her a taste of what would come if she decided to go forward with these multi person teams, she also knew it was a genuine question.

“Let’s start with the most obvious, shall we? A prosperous territory means the Vampires within it don’t break the Treaty’s most important laws. No killing of humans—especially without proper body disposal. And keep the secret. Be discreet. Serial kidnappings and murders of dozens of Vampires, humans and witches to fuel whatever being that’s been using the Blood Front to do its bidding is not discreet in any sense of the word.”

His barely reined snarl of anger was an underline to exactly what she was saying.

“Whether you like it or not, the day is coming when that secrecy is going to fall away. The human world will finally get irrefutable proof and enough of them will believe it that paranormal beings are going to have to reveal our existence. Until then, it’s in all our best interest to attempt some semblance of order. Working together will aid that. Anyway, you can’t have it both ways. Oppose these teams but not participate either. Goddess this is so good.” She pointed at her plate with a piece of bread.

“I’ll let the chef know. I do think he’s falling for you and who can blame him?” he said, tone very dry, and despite herself, it sent heat to her belly.

“As for not having it both ways? Darling Hunter, I can. And I might, depending on your answers. The Vampire Nation is under no obligation to make things easier for Hunter Corp.”

“No, just to be a constant pain in my ass though.”

“That’s merely a bonus.”

She snorted. “You’re full of yourself tonight. Or I should say more full of it than usual.”

“And why shouldn’t I be? Sitting here with you, the most intriguing and fascinating person in this room. Your power seems to hum around you. Everyone here knows you’re mine. If that’s not something to be full of myself over, what is?” he purred and got her all googly eyed.

“Over four centuries of developing your game, Scion, has done you well.”

“How will the participation of a Vampire member of your teams be compensated?” he asked.

That made her laugh. Even in the darkest times he made her laugh.

Who’d have thought it would be so mind numbingly sexy?

“That’s something that would have to be worked out via negotiation. Open negotiation with full transparency with the witches. But if you think you’ll be paid to participate in an organization that works to the benefit of everyone you’re sorely mistaken.”

“And why should you be paid for our expertise? This is something we are compensated for regularly.”

“So what? Those situations are different and you know it. Stop playing around. You want me to charge you for every time I have to take out some Vampire Nation Copyright 2016 - 2024