Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,40

be safe. You will not lose your position. If you act swift and brutally to the threat Arthur and Thomas pose.”

“You’re such a devious, vicious killer. Is it any wonder I adore you so? Look at you here, holding my hand and plotting bloody revenge at the same time. You’re my bloody miracle, Rowan.”

She allowed a smile before she got serious again. They had a lot to do and the hours until daylight were dwindling.

“You know how much I love to do crime, Scion.”

He pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her tight and she poured all the positive energy she could into him. Into their bond. It made her stronger to do it. Made him stronger as well.

“I cannot deny you an opportunity to do crime then, Hunter.”

Chapter Eleven

Clive waited in the car while Rowan finished her business inside the house. Her presence had pulled him back from the edge. Something he’d never forget.

She put his family first. Another thing he’d never forget.

He made a call. Leaving a message for Alice to put things on lockdown. He didn’t say outright what was happening but that she was to shut down any access to accounts, passports or Vampire Nation resources of any type when it came to anyone in his family.

He then made a call to his parents, who were happy to hear that he was in London with Rowan. They didn’t miss the stress in his tone and invited them over whenever they could get there. He cautioned them about any contact with anyone but him or Rowan.

When Rowan came out a few minutes later, alone, he let her drive to his parents’. She said nothing more to him, which he appreciated. She just let him plan and think and prepare for what had to be done.

His mother opened the door. Though she was far less formal than his father, it was unusual for her to perform a task their staff were responsible for. She took his expression in and stood back, waving them into the house.

“It’s my darling new daughter,” she said, winking at Rowan.

“Evening, Antonia.” Rowan paused for a double cheek kiss and then a hug Clive knew she didn’t have to grit her teeth through. His mother and his wife had a rocky start—mainly because his mother had been as crafty as Rowan—and a practical joke had been the opening volley and also a genial introduction. Rowan had found it hilarious in the end and the two most important women in his life had bonded.

“Come through to my study. It’s sound proofed. I have a feeling whatever it is you’re about to tell us shouldn’t be overheard,” his father said from the other side of the entry.

Once they’d settled, Rowan sat back, Clive knew, to let him take the lead. He just laid it all out as simply and frankly as possible, including the siphon spells to power an as yet unknown power.

At the end, his mother’s face went very still. She’d never really liked her brothers-in-law and certainly never trusted them. But this was another level of betrayal. Another type of lawbreaking that could bring the full power and anger of the Vampire Nation—specifically The First—down on their house. His uncles could have sentenced them all to death.

His father though, he sucked in a breath and then began to pace. Rowan’s expression went affectionate for a moment before she schooled herself into blankness once more. Charles paced when he was thinking. A mannerism Clive had picked up centuries before when he’d been growing up, learning at his father’s knee.

“I know you won’t want to ask, so I’ll say unequivocally your mother and I know nothing of this. Further, if we had even an inkling, we’d have come to you to say so. What are you going to do?”

“Of course you didn’t. But I’m glad you declared that before I had to ask. I don’t want to. I believe you to be uninvolved. But it’s best to just get that part out of the way.”

“This puts us all under an order of execution,” his mother said and Clive shoved the sick fear as far away as he could.

“Well, you and Charles aren’t going to be executed and that’s final,” Rowan said and then looked askance at Clive when he sighed. “What? I’m not beholden to Nation rules. You are. Whatever. Thomas and Arthur made their own bed but there’s no way they’re taking your parents down with them. I will not have it and Copyright 2016 - 2024