Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,19

Vampire! Even knowing what a pain in the ass they are, I went and not just loved but married one! Officially announced and declared by The First so it was a big ass Vampire Nation deal. I even wear his ring.” On her right hand instead of her left. On her sword hand. He’d done it on purpose which was a major part of the reasons she’d been unable to do anything but love him.

“But that’s not enough because now I’ve also got a house in the suburbs, household staff and an increasingly spoiled dog. My life is definitely not the same life I had just four years ago.”

Star yipped as she yawned widely.

“Yes. It’s mostly better. Except for the constant stream of people trying to kill me. I don’t like that part at all.” And now she worried about Star’s safety in that way as well. “I think I need to look into dog safety gear. Like bulletproof dog vests or a spell Genevieve can do.”

Genevieve seemed to like Star so maybe she’d make it part of her warding package. Do the house, the grounds, the cars and the dog. It was going to be expensive but Rowan planned to bill Hunter Corp. for her half. The Vampire Nation could damned well pay the other half.

Idly she wondered what Theo would think if she brought Star to the Keep the next time she visited.

“There’s a lake not too far from where your grandpa lives. It’s fed by a hot springs so the water is always warm. We won’t call him grandpa though. His sense of humor is unpredictable to say the least.” Rowan couldn’t imagine leaving Star behind when they traveled though, so they’d figure it out. “We’re going to have to figure out how to get you to Europe, especially when I need to be in Ireland or London.”

Star sighed and rolled to her back. Suddenly Rowan got the feeling Star got to wherever she needed to go, how and when she wanted.

“Okay then. I have some work to do, calls to make and all that stuff. Betchamp has offered to take you with him when he runs errands. Would you like to get out for a while?”

Rowan realized she wasn’t even embarrassed talking to the dog this way. Because she knew Star understood her. How that worked wasn’t something she understood. But magic was that way sometimes so she just went with it.

Star stretched with a cute little groan before she shook herself and headed to the nearby doors leading back into the house. “I guess we’re done? Good talk,” Rowan said as she followed the dog back into the dark, cool interior. Star caught up, remaining at Rowan’s left. Smart girl, staying away from Rowan’s weapon dominant hand.

Star trotted through Rowan’s office before she barked once at Rowan, who bent to give her some love. “Do I have the all clear?”

Star yipped and then turned to scamper out the door.

Okay then. “I guess she’s going on errands with Betchamp,” Rowan said to herself as she settled in her desk chair and began to look at her emails.

David came into the room about fifteen minutes later, pausing to place a tall glass of iced tea nearby, along with a plate of cheese and crackers. Truth be told, she was a lot hungrier these days and she figured it had to do with all the magic and fighting she had to deal with. Brigid seemed to be so much easier to connect with, which seemed to burn a lot of calories every time it happened.

“Star just hopped into the car with Betchamp,” David told her. “She looked ready to take on the world.”

“She’s just that way with everything. It’s such a positive example I feel bad when I’m not trying my hardest too.” It was probably why Carl left her there with Rowan. To keep her from quitting this saving the world biz and heading off somewhere isolated to live the rest of her days without punching, stabbing and shooting anyone or anything.

The thought was so ridiculous and unrealistic, it made Rowan laugh before she turned her chair to face David. “Update.”

“We’re scheduled to meet the real estate agent in an hour at the first building. There are several potentials for a Motherhouse on the list so I took the liberty of placing them in order of location and highest number of your must-haves ticked off.”

She’d need to change out of shorts and a T-shirt for that.

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