Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,105

her naked, he did the same for himself and crawled into bed with her.

“We did it,” she said.

“We did. I’m gutted that it was my uncle who was responsible for Carey’s murder. I can’t apologize enough,” he told her.

“You killed him. That’s good. Also, you can’t own what he did. You didn’t do it. You didn’t know about it. There’s plenty of guilt here but it’s not yours. Now go to sleep because my head hurts and I’m so tired I’m going to sleep right here next to a Vampire.”

He smiled in the dark. “I adore you,” he murmured.

They were all right. He didn’t know what the next day would bring. Or what they’d find when they finally untangled those journals to figure out just what their Faerie had been up to. For that moment they were alive and he loved her.

And that was all he could have asked for.

* * *

To read more from Lauren Dane,

please visit laurendane.

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Thanks as always go to the whole team at Carina. From covers to back cover copy and overall design—you make my books beautiful. Angela James, you are amazing and your edits and insight have made me a better writer with each book.

Thank you to my agent, Laura Bradford, for the well over a decade of agenty type business and friendship.

About the Author

Lauren Dane is the USA TODAY and New York Times bestselling author of over seventy-five novels and novellas in the romance and urban fantasy genre. She lives in the Pacific Northwest among the trees with her spouse and children.

You can check out her latest releases, backlist and upcoming books at her website: laurendane or you can write her at laurendanelaurendane or via her PO Box: PO Box 45175, Seattle, WA 98145.

In Diablo Lake, Tennessee, a town populated by werewolves, witches and more, magic woven deep into the earth protects the town’s secrets from outsiders.

Keep reading for an excerpt from

Diablo Lake: Protected, by

New York Times bestselling author Lauren Dane.

Chapter One

Aimee pulled her car into a spot at the rear of the mercantile. She’d walk over to Katie Faith’s house from there because her driveway was currently housing construction stuff they’re using on some remodeling going on.

The breeze on the back of her neck was unfamiliar, but she sort of liked it. She loved the soft fuzz at the base of her skull.

She headed across the lawns, pausing to breathe in the life her best friend had brought with her when she’d moved in. Roses burst forth over every planter box. They climbed up trellises and spilled across the edges of all the walks.

In December, this sight would be totally unreal in any other place but Diablo Lake. In Diablo Lake, roses in December meant a witch lived there and gave the earth her power.

A bunch of gorgeous men stood outside her best friend’s place, all sweaty from building things. She paused to take it in, because life presented you blessings and it was disrespectful not to enjoy and appreciate them.

Hot werewolves with tools. It should be a calendar. Aimee made a mental note because, come to think of it, what a fantastic fundraiser idea for the organization she worked for.

She hummed her delight at the thought, and being werewolves with super hearing, the group of ’em all looked in her direction. They hadn’t been alarmed, which meant they’d recognized her scent and most likely her magic.

“Hey, y’all,” she called out, pretending she’d been thinking about cobbler instead of pecs and abs glistening in the sun.

Jace, Katie Faith’s husband and most assuredly a gorgeous werewolf, paused, his eyes widening and his smile of welcome dropping into surprise. “You cut your hair.”

Suddenly she went very shy and sort of embarrassed before reminding herself that hair grew back.

“I like it.” Damon, one of Jace’s brothers, stepped a little closer. “It’s got blue in it. I didn’t see it at first because your hair is already dark. Saucy. Diablo Lake definitely needs more saucy.”

Saucy she could do.

Moment of panic passed, she said, “Thanks. I just thought a change would be nice and since the wedding is over and I don’t have to worry about pictures, I figured why not do something big?”

Katie Faith came out onto the porch. “Did I hear Aimee out here?” Then Copyright 2016 - 2024