Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,102

of her left arm breaking in at least two places made her vision go gray.

There was a shout as things moved in slow motion. Guy was knocked from atop her to the dirt, Clive and Patience taking Guy on as one to give Rowan time to get away. Clive buried his face in the Fae’s throat, ripping it out, sending a spray that spattered the side of Rowan’s head and face.

David and Vanessa pulled Rowan free of the knot and she tried—and failed—not to scream at the pain.

“I’m sorry,” David whispered.

“I’ll heal. I have a goddess inside me,” she managed to slur.

Warmth rolled through her as Brigid took over. Her arm was still broken, but she could think again.

“Rip the edge of my shirt. I need you to wrap the arm close to my body,” she told Vanessa.

“Deesse!” David exclaimed his term of endearment and respect for her and the Goddess inside her. “You’re injured. Stay still.”

Rowan looked over to where Patience still hung on as Guy tried to buck her off. Clive was covered in blood that she thought all belonged to Guy but she couldn’t be totally sure and it wouldn’t last. His throat was already healing.

“I’ll heal,” she repeated and drew her authority up and thrust it into her voice. “Now wrap my fucking arm before I get pissed off and never let either of you accompany me into the field again. I gave you an order.”

That did it. David, mutiny on his features, complied and helped Vanessa secure Rowan’s arm. It still hurt but this way the arm wouldn’t impede her and hopefully wouldn’t get any worse.

Genevieve continued to work magic, sending spell after spell at Guy, who began to slow but only slightly.

“What do you need?” Rowan asked her.

“Just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s going to take time to wear him down. Each time you use iron on him, it weakens his shields a little more. I just need to find a big enough crack and then I’ll rip the shields to shreds, fill him full of magic and kill him.”

Okay then.

She danced off, away from Genevieve, hoping to keep Guy’s attention on her as the witch did her work.

“Will that leave a permanent mark?” Rowan called out, pointing to the gashes on his arm and the wounds on his chest she’d made when she’d filled him with iron bullets. Those were not healing at the same rate as the other strikes they’d managed to land on the Fae. “Not that it’s going to matter that much since you’ll be dead soon. But I like knowing you’ll be marred forever from something I’ve done to you.”

She took a risk, got close enough that she had to avoid the clutch of his giant fists and when she went under them, she used the iron edged blades to slice into his belly and thighs before dancing away again.

She felt the whoosh of air as he barely missed grabbing her by the head.

A broken bone she could heal from. A broken head probably not so much.

Clive had a slight limp but it didn’t stop him from flying at Guy and knocking him down again. This time he managed to throw Clive off into the darkness to the left of the house and Rowan just hoped he was all right.

There was nothing else to be done.

Patience followed and when she did, Rowan took that opportunity to come in close with the blades again, slicing what she could. Knowing she landed several strikes given the noises Guy made in response.

Faster than he’d been a moment before, he managed to grab her, crushing her broken arm to her body and laughing as an unwilling scream came from her.

She fought to retain consciousness as Brigid sent soothing energy through Rowan to help pull the pain from her thoughts so she could do something other than hurt.

He lifted her up and then slammed her down against the rail of the porch steps. They splintered beneath her and with her good arm free, she reared her hand back and poked him in the eyes as hard as she could manage.

He let go, slapping his hands over his eyes as he yelped.

Rowan managed to roll and then crawl away, trying to get her breath so she could continue to fight.

Genevieve took a bolt of magic to the chest and it knocked her back. She halted her spell as she tried to suck in a breath and suddenly the scent of ozone hit and the Copyright 2016 - 2024