Blocked (Boston Terriers Hockey #3) - Jacob Chance Page 0,7

disdainful looks down their noses that I get are the best.” She snorts, indicating they’re actually the worst.

I don’t understand why she gets this reaction. I know she’s quiet and bookish, but she’s intelligent and pretty too.

“I guess I can understand why you’d be looking forward to college then. But maybe this year will be better with you on your own. You can spread your wings a little, and there will be so many new people for you to meet. You’ll barely see your brother, at least not unless you want to. And no one has to know that you’re related, so there won’t be anyone for you to compare yourself to.”

“You make it sound easy.” Her fingers play with the straw in her drink. “If I tell you something, do you promise not to share it with anyone else?”

“Of course.”

“I almost took a spot at U.N.H. because I’m scared about being in Marshall’s shadow again.”

“I’m glad you didn’t. You shouldn’t base your choices off your brother or anyone else.”

“Yeah, ultimately that’s what helped me make my decision. I’ve always wanted to attend B.U., and now I am. I just love the campus and everything about that area. And my best friend and I are going to be roommates.” Her eyes shine with excitement. “Plus, I won’t be stuck in school all day like I am now. Being able to go grab a coffee or head back to my dorm between classes will be so amazing.”

“I like that about college too. It’s hard to be staying in one place for hours on end without a change of scenery. I always felt cooped up in high school. I know I enjoy the freedom that college brings.”

We eat the rest of our meal in comfortable silence. I place money down on the table and push her hand away when she tries to contribute. “I got this.”

“Thank you. I’ll pay when we go out and do something that I like, since I won.” She flashes a quick grin and taps her lips. “Hmm, I’ll have to think of something that you’ve never done.”

Kissing you?

The uninvited thought pops into my mind, and I almost groan out loud in frustration. No matter how much I wish it could be, kissing is definitely something that won’t be happening with Maddie, and I shouldn’t even be associating her with it in any way.

The night air is muggy when we step outside. Opening the passenger door, I help her climb up and close her inside.

“Get it together Masters,” I coach myself as I walk around the back of the truck. When I slide onto the driver’s seat, I’m feeling a little better. That is until her subtle spicy vanilla perfume wafts over to me, teasing my nose.

I start the truck and shift into drive with renewed determination to get her home as soon as possible.

We’re both silent during the ride. I’m lost in my own panicked thoughts about my changing feelings for Maddie. I can’t believe I’m willing to play with fire for her. That’s how much I’m attracted to her.

Glancing at her out of my periphery, I notice she’s looking out the passenger window. What’s she thinking?

Is she feeling as conflicted as I am? I wish I knew.

Is she struggling with these new emotions like I am?

I don’t know if it would make me feel better to know she’s experiencing the same sudden attraction I am, or if it would be worse, because I might be more apt to act on it.

I pull into her driveway and shift the truck into park. Turning my head toward Maddie, I find her eyes on me.

“Thanks for a great night. I would’ve been miserable if I had to stay there longer.”

“I’m glad I could help.” Her hand goes to the handle, and she slips out onto the driveaway. She aims a quick glance my way as she goes to close the door.

“Maddie,” I call out. “I had fun too.” Her face lights up with the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen before closing the door between us. My eyes follow her until she’s safely inside her house.

Laying my head back on the head rest, I sigh. Tonight’s been crazy. For lack of a better explanation, I’m going to chalk it up to all the excitement from being back home. It has to have something to do with that, doesn’t it? Because to think of the possibility that I might be more than crushing on Maddie Winters is unacceptable.

Chapter Three


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