Blind Spot - Katana Collins Page 0,52

he said, pulling back. That hand at my chin lingered an extra moment before he brushed his thumb across my lips, taking some Chap Stick with it. He pressed that same thumb to his mouth, closing his eyes with the contact. It was damn sexy, and I licked my lips where his touch had just been.

Shit. I was the one who needed the cold shower.

Chapter Seventeen


The next morning, I picked Shelby up outside her door. She stepped out with her backpack slung carelessly over one shoulder, a couple of books in hand, and startled when she saw me.

“Tate. Jesus, you scared me.”

I shrugged. “I said I’d come by at eight forty-five.”

“I know, I just didn’t expect you to be right here when I opened my door.” A cute little smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she craned her neck into the box of baked goods. “So, croissants as promised?”

“And éclairs,” I said, presenting her with the box of baked goods and handing her a to-go cup of coffee. “You ready to knock it out of the park with Ceele?” I asked as we got onto the elevators.

She sighed, bringing the steaming coffee to her lips. “I guess we’ll see soon enough. This test Friday might be the death of me.”

“It better not be. I need you intact.”

She lifted her eyebrow. “Oh? For what?”

“I have something special planned for this weekend.” Leaning in, I took a deep breath next to her hair. God, I just couldn’t resist it. She smelled so amazing. I took the coffee, stealing my own sip while threading her fingers through mine. Almost immediately, her muscles contracted, cementing, and I could practically see her walls going up, see her fortifying against me. Shit, maybe even holding her hand was moving too fast. I almost pulled away. I almost let go. But I thought better of it. “This okay?” I asked instead.

Her eyes fluttered wider, pupils dilating in the dim lighting of the elevator. “Yeah,” she said. “It is.” Then she added, louder, “Especially if you bring me coffee every morning.” Then, her hand relaxed into mine, holding on as if it could somehow also stabilize her. I hoped it did. I wanted to be that for her. She swallowed a gulp of coffee hard, wincing with the sip. “Whoa, sugar,” she said.

“It’s too sweet?”

Her face still twisted like she had sucked on a lemon. “Not if you bring me an insulin shot with it.”

“Noted.” I grinned, handing her my cup, which I’d only put one packet into. And just like that, she was back to being the Shelby I knew best. Goofy, sarcastic, sexy Shelby.

A few minutes later, we were parked and headed into the language building. I slung my arm around her shoulders, pulling her tight into my side with a nod hello to Brad and Chrissy. I nearly stumbled over my own damn feet at the sight of Katie across the yard. Every muscle in my body clenched as she tossed her curly dark hair over her shoulder and grinned that toothy smile at Logan, one of my basketball buddies.

“Oh, look,” Shelby said in a falsely sweet voice that I recognized easily from numerous ex-girlfriends. Jealousy rang in the tone. “It’s Veronica.”

“What?” I snapped. How the hell did she know about Katie?

Confusion flickered across her face before she nodded to Chrissy. I sighed inwardly, brushing my nose to her temple. Oh, thank God. I’d have to tell her about Katie eventually—but not now. Not yet.

“Aw, come on. Betty shouldn’t ever be jealous of anyone.” I held the classroom door open for her, and she tilted her head as she slipped past me.

She took her seat behind Harrison. “I’m not.”

A snort came from Harrison, but he didn’t turn around. Shelby rubbed a palm across his back. “Good morning.” She leaned forward, resting a chin to his shoulder.

“Apparently.” He arched an eyebrow. “Guess you had a change of plans yesterday,” he said to Shelby, his eyes sliding briefly to me.

“Yeah. Sort of.” She pulled back, and that smile that I so rarely saw disappeared. “You’re okay, right?” she asked Harrison, dropping her voice.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Shelby snuck a glance my way, eyebrows tight, concerned, then looked back at Harrison. “You just seem…grumpy. Or something.”

There was a definite shift in their interaction from just a week ago. Now, he just seemed like he was in a shit mood, which didn’t really give him the right to treat her like dirt. I narrowed my Copyright 2016 - 2024