Blind God's Bluff A Billy Fox Novel - By Richard Lee Byers Page 0,9


“Not really, but let it slide for now. A bunch of you lords are having a tournament? What’s that all about?”

He hesitated. “It’s complicated. To be a lord is to own one or more fiefdoms—”

“What, now?”

His mouth tightened like he wasn’t used to being interrupted. “Property. Pieces of the earth and all they contain. Lesser beings who live there do so with the lord’s permission, and owe him tithes and duties.”

“When you say ‘lesser beings,’ are you talking about your own kind?”

Timon hesitated. “I was, but not because the system doesn’t encompass humans. It’s just that you’re at the bottom of the ladder. Possessions, not subjects.”

The way he said it gave me a chill. I tried to snort the feeling away. “Well, I guess you can look down on us all you like, as long as you aren’t really trying to control us.”

“But we are. We do, like gods. You just don’t perceive it.”

“Why? I mean, what do you want from us?”

“It depends. As you’ve already seen, we vary from one to the next, and so do our needs. But most of us rely on you in one way or another.”

“You mean, you’re parasites.”

“Were you a ‘parasite’ on the swordfish I smell on your breath?”

“Is that comparison supposed to make me feel better?”

“I don’t mean that we literally eat you. At least, not all of us, and not in great quantities.”

“And what do you do? You, personally?”

“I already told you, more or less. Did it sound so very horrible?”

It sounded kind of like mental rape, but I realized I still had the same options as before. I could run away from all of this, or I could find out more. And I was still curious.

So I took a breath, and then said, “You were going to explain about the tournament.”

He nodded like he was glad to change the subject. “Yes. The tournament. My people love games and gambling. You might even call it a mania. And when lords play, we often risk a portion of our dominions. Lesser stakes don’t have a lot of meaning.”

“And when the stakes don’t mean anything, you don’t get the same rush.”

He smiled, showing teeth that looked stained and crooked even in the dark. “I had a hunch you’d understand.”

“Yeah. I pretty much do. Pablo—the steroid addict with the tire iron—was after me because I owe money to a loan shark. I borrowed it to shoot nine-ball.”

“And it didn’t go well?”

I grinned. “Actually, I crushed the guy. It was the gin game three nights later that was the problem. But anyway, you’re in a tournament, and one of your opponents sent the fairies after you so you wouldn’t be able to continue? You must be pretty good.”

“I’m very good. But understand that while my adversary’s ploy was heavy-handed and gauche, it wasn’t exactly cheating. What happens away from the table is part of the game, too.”

“Then you guys play rough, and maybe you’re better off out of it.”

Timon shook his head. “That’s the problem. I can’t afford to be ‘out of it.’ Even the finest gamblers have losing streaks, and I’ve been on one. I’m playing for the only fief I have left, which means I’m playing for my freedom.”

“Why the hell would you bet that?”

“Why did you win big at nine-ball and immediately go broke playing gin?”

I sighed. “For the action. I get you.”

“Actually, there’s even more to it than that. A noble who won’t play looks timid and contemptible.”



“Well, at least nobody will call you that.”

“They’ll call me ‘my lord!’ because I am not sinking back down to live as a commoner. I’m going to win, and you’re going to help me.”

I blinked. “Come again?”

“The others have no choice but to accept you as my proxy. You have gifts—unplumbed and untrained, but still—and you live in my dominions.”

“Maybe, but—”

“In addition to which, you’re a born gambler. That, too, is our blood coming out in you. It might even be my blood.”

I glared. “I know who my father was.”

“What about your great-great-grandfather? I’ve been around a long time.”

It was still a disgusting idea, but I realized it wasn’t the main issue. “Whatever. The point is, I haven’t volunteered to stand in for you.”

“But you’d be a fool not to, because I’ll reward you. How much do you owe?”

“A hundred and fifty thousand.” It wasn’t really quite that much, but I needed a little something leftover for myself, didn’t I?

“You’ll have it.”

I took another look at his rags and filth. “Are we talking about dream Copyright 2016 - 2024