Blind Date with my Billionaire Boss - Evangeline Kelly Page 0,3

gave me a look she’d mastered over the years. It was an I-know-better-than-you expression even though she was almost two years my junior. “I liked Lila. Mom and I had high hopes for her.”

“It didn’t work out. Not every relationship progresses past the casual dating stage.”

“Apparently none make it past that mark with you.” She let out a sigh and turned to face me. “You’re twenty-seven years old, but you’re no better off than when you were in high school.”

I smirked. “And what about you, little sister? I don’t see a ring on your finger.”

“That’s beside the point. I’m quite capable of a lasting relationship. I just don’t choose to have one at the moment.”

“Well, I don’t either.” I started to rise, figuring there wasn’t much more to say on the matter, but she put a hand on my shoulder and gently pushed me back down. Few would have gotten away with that, but she was my little sister so I gave her leeway this time.

“Look, I think I have a solution to your dire dating difficulties.”

I laughed, focusing more on the tongue twister than on the concept itself. “I’m sure you do, but I didn’t ask for help.”

She clapped her hands together and shot me a delighted smile, ignoring my last statement. “Let me set you up on a blind date.”

I stared at her like she was crazy for five whole seconds and then turned away, rolling my eyes. “That’s what you called me here to talk about? A blind date?” I scoffed and stood this time, refusing to sit on that awful couch one second longer. “No wonder you wouldn’t share the details over the phone. You knew I’d say no.” I headed for the door, anxious to get home so I could change and order takeout from my favorite Greek restaurant.

Charlotte ran ahead of me, her dark blonde hair flying through the air. She planted herself in front of the door, arms spread wide as if ready to hold me hostage for as long as it took. “I have to offer a shoulder to cry on every time one of your girlfriends doesn’t work out. It affects me more than you know.” She had a poker face, the kind a negotiator gave their toughest client. “Let me pick the next one.”

“Not happening.” I shifted impatiently and jerked my head to the side. “Step out of my way or I will physically move you.”

Her expression turned pleading, and she widened her eyes like she always had with Dad when she wanted her way. “Please, Easton. Just go on this one date. After that, I promise I won’t bother you again.”

I let out a breath and stared at the ground, shaking my head. “Why do you even care?”

“Because you’re my brother. I think you need…” She cleared her throat and averted her gaze. “Never mind what I think. It’s not important right now. Just…agree to the date and I’ll get off your back.”

I thought about that for a moment and then let out a low chuckle. “Fine. One date and that’s it. And when it doesn’t work out—and I know it won’t—you have to promise to leave me alone.”

“You’ll go?” She lifted up on her toes excitedly, her exuberant smile grating on my nerves.

“Yes, but I want your word that after this, you won’t stick your nose in my business. Any discussion of romantic relationships will be off the table. Do you understand?”

She glanced to the side as if weighing all her options and nodded after a moment’s contemplation. “I can live with that.”

“Excellent. I plan to hold you to it.”

“I’ll text you the details once I have them.”

“Fine. Now move aside so I can leave.”

Once I was out the door, I strode to my vehicle feeling grouchy and irritable. Why did everyone always think love was the answer? Maybe it worked out that way for some, but the divorce rate in the U.S. said differently. One day Charlotte would understand but until then…at least she’d leave me alone after this.

It wasn’t until I was driving away from the curb that I realized I hadn’t even seen a picture of this so-called blind date. I pictured one of Charlotte’s society friends and winced. Whatever. It didn’t matter who it was or what she looked like because nothing would come out of it as far as I was concerned. I was sick and tired of trying to pretend I had it in me to go the distance. What a waste Copyright 2016 - 2024