Blessed Tragedy - By Hb Heinzer Page 0,81

hand grazed Colton's side, my mind flooded with memories of our nights spent together before everything went to shit. “We might be okay. Someday.”

“I'll take someday.” He gently lifted me, shifting our heads to the pillows. “I'll take whatever I can get with you.” After brushing his lips against mine, he pushed my shoulder urging me onto my side.

When the sun started peeking through my bedroom window, we were still curled into each other, our fingers interlaced across my stomach. I couldn't deny how good it felt to be in his arms and that scared the hell out of me.

“Come on, Moo, you guys are going to be late if we don't go,” Mike yelled up the stairs. A pit grew in my stomach, remembering back to the last time he had hollered up the stairs for me to hurry. The first time they'd seen me perform, the first family outing without my mom.

“You okay?” Colton asked, dropping a chaste kiss on my shoulder.

“Yep, let's get outta here. You bring my gear?” It had been more than three weeks since I'd been on the back of Colton's motorcycle and I needed the serenity that came from feeling the horsepower beneath me.

“It's all in there, right where it belongs.” Colton picked up my duffle bag and motioned for me to lead the way outside. I smiled once I passed him. There was something comforting in his statement that my things belonged with him. It wasn't said in a possessive or domineering way. It was a simple testament to our fucked up relationship.

The day was perfect for a long ride on the bike. The sun was shining without any stifling heat; the winds were calm and traffic light. I quickly found myself hypnotized by the rumble of the engine and gentle vibrations.

By the time we pulled down the gravel drive at Comstock, I had myself convinced that everything would work out one way or the other. Jon and Travis stopped in their tracks to see if their eyes were deceiving them as we pulled to a stop behind the bus.

“So, I'm assuming you kissed and made up?” Jon asked, shaking his head. I could only imagine what our issues were doing to everyone around us and had to imagine he felt a measure of relief seeing us together. At least I hoped he did.

“Well, she's not threatening to castrate me, so I guess that's a start,” Colton laughed.

“Good. I think we'll all breathe a little easier now that your balls are safe.” Travis still seemed guarded when he looked at me. His was the one friendship I doubted would ever be the same as it had once been.

It didn't take long before the tension in the air became palpable. Colton was giving Garrett the grand tour of our home away from home while Jon and Travis introduced my brothers to some of the other bands.

“Well, looks like you really can have your cake and eat it too.” I turned to see Tanya's coffee brown eyes narrow as she watched Colton and Garrett walk off the bus.

“What in the hell is that supposed to mean, Tanya?” I snarled. I knew exactly what she was implying and I wanted to make her say it out loud. Jon had been abundantly clear that she was skating on thin ice and I, for one, couldn't wait to be the one to watch her fall through.

“Not many people are slick enough to get the boyfriends to be best friends. Kudos.” She nodded to the two men who were in a heated debate over whether Gibson or Fender guitars were superior. “Look at them, it's almost like they're not competing for a place in your pants.”

“You know what, Tanya, screw you.” I didn't care that I was yelling loud enough to draw the attention of people walking by. “Garrett is one of my oldest, dearest friends and Colton is head over heels in love with me. I'm sorry you're a pretentious, bitter bitch who can't find anyone to love you, but that doesn't give you the right to rip me to shreds. You know shit about me; you know shit about my life. If you value your job, I highly suggest you back the fuck up and think about what you're doing. You have zero say in what I do in my personal life.”

I'd spent much of my life angry. That was nothing compared to the pure rage I felt coursing through my veins at the woman who Copyright 2016 - 2024