Blessed Tragedy - By Hb Heinzer Page 0,109

of who are huge baseball fans. Baseball games were a family thing, weekly. Thankfully none of my brothers joined his evening or I knew I would never be able to get a word in with Mr. Tattoo. Their overbearing need to protect me after all the shit I got into in high school overshadowed any ounce of trust I should have gained with my good behavior in college.

“What took you ladies so long?” Jake asked with a look of suspicion as we shuffled back into our seats. He knew from the moment he saw our mischievous grins we were plotting something and he was dying to be included. But, the less people who knew of my school girl crush the better.


As the innings went on and the Sox started raking in the runs the crowd was getting more and more lively. Mr. Tattoo would turn around and flirt a little, sometimes just give me a pantie wetting grin, but it was doing the trick.

By the time the seventh inning stretch came we were hammered. To use the word drunk would have been an understatement.

In typical Fenway tradition we heard the music start, and we all chimed in on cue “SWEEEEEEEEET CAROLINNNNNEEEEE BOM BOM BOM!”

At that moment Bentley jumped over the seats, grabbed my hands and pulled me to dance. Could this really be happening right now? Everyone I was with gasped and watched with a sense of protection, just waiting for him to make the wrong move. All while plotting our hook up in the same moment. Right there in the aisle we were dancing to Fenway's traditional tune, all smiles, like in a movie.


In that moment, this tough looking mysterious man dropped to his knees serenading me for all to see. My face flushed as-red-as the hat on my head, but I didn't care, I was having a ball with it. Who was this mystery man and what was he doing to me?

The ballpark photographers all clamored over to take a picture of the scene Bentley had created on the third baseline. Clicking away in hopes of selling some souvenirs.

When the song ended he took my hand and placed a small kiss on it and headed towards the exit. Almost like he had methodically been planning his early musical exit. His touch nearly sent me over the edge. It was euphoric. Something I had never experienced in my entire life. I wanted to touch him back but I was frozen in shock. Was I being punked?

The dozen friends that packed the row with us just stared at me with a blank face. Some whispering to the other, some with their mouths hanging open waiting to catch a fly, everyone else cracking jokes about my new boyfriend. The fact was they knew I was unavailable. I had dated around through college but never took an actual boyfriend and I wasn't planning on that changing till I was done with college in a year.

It was then I became aware of the fact that he walked away. I was never going to see him again. Panic. Pure panic! This man who just sent electricity through me walked away and I would never see him again! I needed his touch, I wanted his hands all over me. What could I do?

“I think I am going to head out for just one last beer before the game ends,” I excused myself and headed in the general direction my new fetish. Just then Jake threw in his two cents “Uh huh, like you need another beer, good luck finding him, he is long gone!” and I bolted!

When I realized there was no way I would catch up with him I stopped for a beer and headed back towards my seat. Just as I reached the entry way for the section I heard a voice behind me, “You were just going to let me walk away like that?” and my heart sank. I turned around to find my school girl crush standing so close to me I could smell him.

The mixture of cologne and beer was almost heavenly. I found myself wanting to grab him right then and there and plant my lips right on his. I wanted to taste this stranger I knew nothing about. Yet I was frozen. But he wasn't.

He took me in his arms, right there in the tunnel for anyone to see. Putting his arm around my waist and the Copyright 2016 - 2024