The Blessed - By Tonya Hurley Page 0,12

him. Exactly why, she couldn’t say. Anyway, the boy had been so secretive about it and she didn’t want to get him in trouble.

“Are you all right?” He nodded to the nurse to note her distress for the record.

“I’m fine. Really. I can do this.”

“We can wrap this up. . . . ”

Agnes swallowed hard. “No. So you’re saying we’re like any machine, a car engine or a computer breaking down suddenly.” She saw a wry smile on the psychiatrist’s face. “Is that what you think?”


“That’s not very romantic.”

“No,” he replied. “But it’s honest.”

“Then why work in a Catholic hospital?” she asked. “Isn’t that hypocritical?”

“It’s where I’m needed right now.”

The pain of her wrists was searing and Agnes couldn’t continue even if she’d wanted to.

Frey made a few notes in her file and closed it, handing a prescription order to the nurse.

“Are you going to let me go?” Agnes asked, returning to the matter at hand. “Or is my mom going to commit me?”

“That’s a bit drastic.”

“You don’t know my mom.”

“I expect you will be released tomorrow, but I will need to keep you overnight,” he said, eyeing her wrist. “For observation.”

“Like one of your experiments?”

“You wouldn’t be the first.” He extended his hand almost to force her to reach for his. “Nice to meet you.”

7 Lucy rubbed her eyes, tossed her keys on the table, kicked off her spiked heels, crawled onto the couch on her belly, and logged on to her laptop. She adjusted the contrast on the screen to see it more clearly and pulled it toward her. The Web address appeared as she typed it. She hit enter and waited anxiously for the screen to change. She’d been stealing Wi-Fi from another tenant’s unsecure account for ages, and access was not a guarantee. Since she’d been on her own, she’d gotten good at cutting corners and funneling all her disposable cash into her outward appearance.

“No passwords make for good neighbors,” Lucy said to herself as the website loaded, filling the entire screen. There it was on the home page. Just as Jesse said.

Breaking now: LUnaCY

Has LULU really lost it? Her mind, that is? Downtown Party Girl LUcky LUcy Ambrose sure did live up to her moniker last night as she was carted from just-opened Brooklyn burlesque hot spot BAT in the wee hours by EMTs and then transported to the Perpetual Help Hospital in Cobble Hill. The pAArty girl was at the club in the VIP room celebrating hAArd at their Halloween couture costume benefit, and what happened next was downright whorrifying! Those close to her say she was found classy smashed, passed out on the floor of the MEN’S bathroom and that she received treatment on the scene. She was released from the hospital this morning for an undisclosed condition. The NYPD were dispatched to Perpetual Help to interview her. Neither the celebutante nor hospital spokesman were available for comment.


Click HERE for an exclusive photo gallery of LULU arriving at the club earlier that night.

As she scanned the page, she nodded approvingly. The photos were good, which meant mainly that it was big. And they’d gotten a clear shot of her new shoes and bag. That was money. And placement, which meant more free stuff.

“That will travel,” Lucy said matter-of-factly, uploading the link to all her websites. “Heart it, bitches.”

Lucy began to click through all the other gossip sites. And there it was. Despite it being her best coverage to date, she had a sick feeling in her stomach. Even her favorite pastime—judging others—wasn’t comforting her. She’d had an epiphany while thumbing through the plethora of tabloids that had piled up on her comforter. Rather than just flip through the pictures of stars at awards shows, on vacation, clothes shopping, eating lunch, and getting jealous, Lucy slowed down and spent an extra second staring at each photo. The longer she looked, the uglier they became, and the more enjoyable the experience became for her.

She measured her life in hits, and followers and status—of both the actual and online varieties—was everything. Not one to wring her hands over anything, she had taken shamelessness to new heights, crashing book parties, record parties, movie premieres, department stores, fund-raisers for even the most obscure diseases, attending the opening, as they say, of an envelope. It was a time-tested technique that could barely be held against her, but it was the fact that she got so much coverage that irked everyone, especially on BYTE, the most influential and widely Copyright 2016 - 2024