Bless The Beauty - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,8

a statement that said I was back where I belonged.

The kiss only lasted seconds. To me, it felt like hours. It lingered in every part of my body right down to my wobbly knees.

Slowly, but surely, Kellen drew away from my mouth. I met his gaze and assumed I looked as passionate as I felt since his expression screamed pride. My eyes felt droopy and my mouth still hadn’t closed from his kiss.

Before I had a chance to recover, Kellen was hammered to the ground. I snapped my head up to Chase who had just knocked him a good one in the shoulder.

“Get the fuck up,” Chase roared as he held his fists near his face, ready to kick some serious ass.

Kellen jumped to his feet, completely at ease. “She is mine to kiss.” His voice was steady and lacked any hint of guilt.

“Fuck you she is.” Chase pounced forward to deliver another round of punches. Nick immediately lunged from his chair, wrapped his arms around Chase and held him back.

I glanced between the men without a clue what to do here. I was still recovering from the effects of Kellen’s mouth against mine after so many years. I had wondered when the day would come that he would return for me and I felt out of control now that it was upon me.

What would happen now? Would my job be over? Would Kellen make me return with him to wherever he lived now? Would I go back to being by his side? Would he force me to be the woman I used to be—voiceless and submissive to his wants and needs?

Mike cleared his throat again, louder this time. “I take it you know him then, Hadley?”

It took me a moment to gather myself to look at him. When I did, I slowly nodded.

“He’s…” I hesitated a moment, searching for the right word then said the only thing I could think of, “…an old boyfriend.”

“I’d say it is a little more official than that,” Kellen said, dismayed. Instantly, I shot him a look to shut it, but he just grinned happily and continued. “I am her husband.”

Chase’s anger immediately washed away as he pulled himself free of Nick then turned an accusing gaze on me. “An ex-husband, right?”

Kellen chuckled deeply, wrapped an arm around me. “Unlikely, bloke.”

Chase stared at me, betrayal hard in his eyes. Finally, after a long lingering moment, he whispered, “You’re married?”

All I could do was nod, ashamed and horrified at the betrayal that passed across his features. I had wanted to explain this to him so many times, but I doubted he’d understand. It was complicated.

But now, I wished I had to courage to tell him, then I wouldn’t be standing here watching Chase’s heart break into a million pieces.

Mike cleared the stifling air by saying, “Chase, I know you are protective of a team member, but what Hadley does with her personal life is her own business.” Then, he turned a speculative gaze on me.

“Why she never told us she was married is within her rights.” He waved out, clearly done with this whole conversation. “Let’s get back to what matters here please.”

I felt sick as I took my seat. With Kellen’s arm draped over my shoulder, he wasn’t helping any.

Chase’s anger oozed off him beside me, but he also knew better than to continue to make a scene. His job was important to him. He wouldn’t risk losing his job over this. Instead, he said nothing and sat simmering in fury. That was almost worse than being ripped apart for my betrayal.

Mike took his seat, let out a long deep breath before he began. “I’ve brought Kellen in here to assist in the interrogation of McKinney.”

I snapped my gaze to Kellen’s in outrage. “What?” There was no way I heard that right!

Kellen brushed his fingers across my cheek in a slow, gentle caress. “I was curious about your fascination with the FBI, so I joined the bureau.”

I held back a roll of my eyes. I’d worked my way to the top, just like your average mortal. I suspected Kellen wouldn’t degrade himself by such behaviour and probably just mind warped his way in.

“They’ve got McKinney set up down the hall, continuing their interrogation on him,”

Mike said, ignoring my shock again to keep us on the right track. “I think it’s about time we go and take a look at him. See what we’re up against here.”

This didn’t surprise me. It was protocol to sit Copyright 2016 - 2024