Bless The Beauty - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,47

could without rising suspicion.

Sabrina…we’re coming!

Chapter Thirteen

The car sped down the road at rapid speed, weaving in out of cars with sirens blaring. “I hope you’re right about this.” Mike’s hands gripped the steering wheel as he manoeuvred his way through Milwaukee.

“He said it, you just didn’t hear it.” I held onto the holy shit handle above the window in the backseat. The borrowed police cruiser continued to weave through the traffic, tossing all of us around in the car as Mike drove with speed only achieved through years of police training. The sirens continued to scream through the air as Mike honked the horn loudly.

“Would you sit still,” Kellen chastised me as I rested upon his lap.

We were in such a hurry to get out of there, Nick, Kellen, Chase and I piled into the back with Mike in the front. Regardless of the fact there was an empty seat beside him.

There wasn’t time to think things out. Now, I wish someone had gotten into the front. It was damn uncomfortable. “Just because you are always cool and collect, doesn’t mean we all are.”

Kellen groaned and shifted me onto his other thigh. “Your ass is bony.”

“We’re not far now.” Mike ignored the banter and took a quick turn that sent us all to demolish Chase.

“Muscle strength, please,” Chase groaned.

Kellen forced himself straighter to offset the weight. “How far away?”

“A couple minutes.” Mike punched harder on the gas and the engine roared in response.

I could hardly contain myself. We needed to get there. Find this girl and see her well.

It was far past a need and now more of an obsession. I craved to see her healthy and returned to her family.

“Hadley.” Kellen’s tone was curt. Then in a quick move, he shoved me off and pushed me across to rest on Chase’s lap. “I can’t take any more of that bony ass.”

“You seemed to like that bony ass not long ago,” I retorted.

Low chuckles rumbled through the car.

Kellen raised a sultry brow. “Indeed I did. But you’re not riding my cock, are you?”

My jaw dropped. He didn’t just say that…

Those low rumbles turned to outright laughter. I glanced around at the men and even Mike was laughing. “Oh, just shut up, all of you.” I adjusted myself onto Chase’s lap.

Glancing down at him, I knew I needed to appear that this was awkward for me to be here.

“Sorry I was shoved here.”

Chase winked. “It’s not a problem.” His tone was proper enough, but I could feel his erection under my ass cheek. He wasn’t at all displeased with my being here and seemed to enjoy my ass.

“It’s coming up,” Mike suddenly barked out, drawing me away from the treasure in Chase’s pants.

Chase lifted me quickly and moved me up onto his thighs. I didn’t have to be intelligent to know why, he needed to focus. And his attention couldn’t be on the hardness in his pants. I leaned forward and grabbed onto the seat in front of me to look out the window.

Mike drove through the old metal gates and the wooden sign came and went that read, Forest Home Cemetery. My head smacked off the ceiling as he hit a speed bump, but I didn’t care, we needed to get there. “Faster.” I bounced up and down with a need to get there already.

“Stop moving, Hadley,” Chase groaned deeply.

I ignored Chase’s request and kept squirming. “Go faster, Mike.”

“I’m going as fast as I can,” Mike growled as we passed a chapel with ivy stretching up the sides of it that had to date back to the eighteen hundreds.

Within a few seconds, Mike hit the brakes and we all jumped out of the cruiser. As we ran, Mike yelled out, “Look for freshly buried graves.”

“The doctor said he gave his mother an air supply,” I followed up as I ran forward scanning the graveyard. “Something must be sticking out of the ground.”

My path led me between two lines of graves. There was just so many. I circled around, scanned the area, but nothing—no undisturbed graves in sight. I began to run again, continued down the paths between the rows.

Suddenly, Nick shouted. “Found one.”

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face his direction. He was kneeling, running his hands along the fresh grave. “Not it,” he shouted, before he stood and ran again.

Without pause, I charged through the cemetery once more. “Chase, anything?” I called out, not looking toward him, but knowing he was on the left side of Copyright 2016 - 2024