Bless The Beauty - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,46

contact remained with Kellen. “It is the way of the Lord.”

“Good,” Kellen responded as he looked back at me and sighed. I smiled to myself. It was kind of funny seeing him in this position, completely uncomfortable. After a lingering glance my way, Kellen focused back on Chad. “You need to retrace your steps to when you met the young lady Sabrina.”

“She’s an angel,” Chad responded dreamily

Kellen nodded as if he had just expected that exact reply from him. “You watched her?”

“Yes, I watched her for days. God was pleased with her. She was on a path that would lead her to Heaven.”

My face was practically squished against the glass. This had to work. My job never entailed surviving victims. The truth was, now that I thought about it, I was desperate to find this young woman.

Not only to see her well, but to have a moment within this job that held happiness. A sense of pride to save someone’s life. Something I had yet to feel as a Special Agent. Usually, it was more about preventing the killer from taking another life. Not finding one of his victims alive. I began to get anxious, unable to stand still as I constantly shifted my feet to ease my impatience.

Kellen leaned back in his chair and placed his hands in his lap. “When did her right path end?”

“When she sinned, she took the Lord’s name in vain.”

“And that is when you took her?” Kellen probed.

“I needed to save her from herself. She was going to be damned eternally. She needed to be returned to God.”

Kellen’s frustration was building by the tense set of his shoulders. The only downfall with stealing the mind of a mortal was that they only answered your question directly.

You wouldn’t get anything deeper. I moved around anxiously, hoped he’d pull through here. We needed this. This was the only way we were going to find Sabrina before it was too late.

Kellen leaned forward. His gaze was intent, focused and unyielding. “Where have you put Sabrina?”

“I have put her back with God.”

Kellen’s fists slammed down on top of the table. “Where have you left her then?”

Uh oh! Anger began to swell on Kellen’s face. This I had seen too many times to count. Kellen had one flaw, a wicked temper. He wasn’t patient, nor was he delicate.

When he got frustrated, the world knew it.

Chad gave that sweet as sugar smile. “She will always be with me, I’m God’s messenger.”

In a movement that was far too quick, Kellen lunged over the table and slammed Chad up against the wall.

“Oh shit.” I ran for the door. Fuck, I should have seen it with the clenched fists, but I hadn’t really considered that he’d react the way he did. I thought he’d have more restraint over his frustrations. Clearly, he was bored with this all and wanted it over with.

“What have you done with her? Where is she?” Kellen roared. “My patience is thin. I am tired of this ridiculous journey.” He slammed him up against the wall again. “Tell me where she is.”

Chad gasped, his face beginning to turn a shade of blue. “She is being saved. I’ve sent her home to God.”

“Where?” Kellen growled, a tone I’d heard before. He was willing every ounce of strength out of him. As I cleared the door I could see Kellen was straining in his powers.

I rushed forward as did the others and grabbed Kellen to pull him off Chad. “Let go, Kellen, right now.”

“Forest Home Cemetery, ” Chad squeaked before he fainted.

Kellen glanced toward me. Annoyance weighed heavy on his face as he released Chad to the floor. The kid crumpled to the ground with a loud thud, knocked old cold.

“We do not manhandle suspects,” Mike spat at Kellen. “You should know that as part of the FBI.”

“I apologize.” Kellen wiped his hands on his slacks and met Mike’s gaze unabashed.

“The chum got the best of me.”

Nick looked down to where Chad was slumped out cold and whistled. “There is going to be some hell to pay for this.”

I ignored the limp Chad on the floor, Kellen’s arrogance and Mike’s anger. What the hell where they still doing here? “As if it matters. We know where she is.” All gazes met mine in a second flat.

Mike’s face filled with puzzlement. “He hadn’t said anything?”

Of course, he had, but Mike’s mortal ears didn’t hear it. “He told us, you just weren’t listening.”

Without a moment to spare, I ran as fast as I Copyright 2016 - 2024