Bless The Beauty - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,44

feel the need to tell them this?”

As Chad leaned down to examine the pictures more closely, his expression immediately turned dark. “These woman defied God.”

“I know that,” I said, eager to move along. “They had to be punished.”

The questions were moving along just as I hoped it would. Things were falling into place that would allow me to capture his mind and gain the truth from him without arising suspicion.

Chad looked away from the photos and met my gaze. He gave a cruel smile that spoke of the evil that lived inside of him. “I defeated the Devil out of them.”

On that disturbing note, I reached back into his file and pulled out the photo of Sabrina. “What about this woman?”

Chad’s brows furrowed as he eyed the paper with disgust. “She sinned.”

This was the real Chad. The one the women must have faced when they died. He looked at the others as if they were treasures. Since he hadn’t seen Sabrina’s dead body and decorated her face, she was still a person that needed to be saved by him. “This one has yet to be saved.”

Shame crossed Chad’s face and the disgust melted away as he looked like a little school boy being scolded. “I have failed Him.”

“There’s still time.” I hoped he’d give me something. I tried to remain calm but knowing that soon I could just will the truth out of him, I began to get antsy. “Take us to her and I will let you complete your mission.”

The darkness in his gaze only intensified. “You are not welcome there. God would not forgive me.”

Right then, I realized he’d just given me a clue. If I went into this questioning further, it would be obvious that he spilled the truth out of nowhere. I had him right where I wanted him. “Chad, look at me.” He did so. “God will forgive you if you act now. Where have you put Sabrina?”

Chad’s eyes glazed over. His contact was steady with mine. “In God’s house.”

I nodded, not surprised by his answer. “Yes, you want to send her to God, I’ve got that. Where?

What location?”

His brows drew together as if he struggled with himself. Almost as if he was searching for the answer, but kept coming up blank. “In God’s house,” he repeated.

Fuck, this was going to be hard. His mind was so confused and sick—asking simple questions just wouldn’t register with his mind. I tried a different route. “If you needed to go and see Sabrina, where would you go?”

“To God’s house,” he repeated.

“Oh for fuck sakes,” I snapped. “Yes, you’d go to God’s house, but where is it, Chad? What’s the street name?”

Chad smiled, a proud expression flashed across his face. “God’s house lives in us all.”

I threw up my hands up in frustration and wanted to flip him the bird or slam his head down on the table. Before I could snap out another question or act on my impulses, a knock sounded on the two-way mirror.

My chair hit the wall as I slammed it back, I scowled at Chad then headed for the door. I flung it open, stepped into the other room and slammed it behind me. “What is it?”

Mike let out a very tired sound. “We need to change our course.” He gave me firm look. “This isn’t working and we need to break him.”

Pride wanted me to yell, let me back in there, but I knew he was right. My power over him wasn’t strong enough. He was answering my questions truthfully, but I didn’t have enough strength to will what lay deep in his troubled mind. Talk about a punch to the stomach. Here I was, a powerful vampire with an ability to dive deep into a mortals mind and I failed at doing just that.

I stayed in my pity-party for well over five minutes as Mike discussed our next steps.

Then, suddenly, an idea suddenly presented itself. I quickly glanced at Kellen, examining.

His brows furrowed as he watched me in return with a look of complete bewilderment on his face. “What?”

“You?” I pointed at him.

He arched a brow and that confusion on his face only deepened. “Me…what?”

“You’re an excellent interrogator. It’s why you’re here.” I winked. “You have a go at him.”

Mike nodded with excitement. “That’s right.” He smacked his head clearly annoyed with himself. “My mind is so busy I forgot the obvious. From what I’ve heard of you, you’re legendary.”

I rolled my eyes at that. Of course, Kellen would feed a Copyright 2016 - 2024