Bless The Beauty - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,41

lately?” Chase remarked, dryly.

Bob studied Chase a moment. Clearly, he was trying to figure out what this could be about. It was only a second later that clarity hit and his face paled. “Chad killed those women?”

“He’s a suspect at this point, nothing more, nothing less.” My standard FBI answer.

It’d already been proven that he was the killer, and furthermore, that he had hidden these two other women well, buried that is, until they died. But we weren’t allowed to say anything. Innocent until proven guilty was a rule we followed.

Bob flipped a couple pages in his file quite content in whatever it was he was looking for. “Mr.

McKinney has classic schizophrenia.” He glanced away from the papers to meet my gaze. “A textbook case. His mind is more confused than anything I have ever seen in my years of practice. Nothing in reality pertains to him. He lives in a dream that he creates and is quite content on being that way.”

I took a moment to ponder what he just said. First, it surprised me he needed to be reminded of the case to know about Chad. Where there really that many crazy people here? That was hard to believe or imagine. Then, I tried to sort out what he had meant with his explanation. The jumbled mess of a mentally unstable person was not my area of expertise. After a long pause, I fell short of understanding.

“Okay, so what is his world then?”

“He’s a devout Christian,” Bob replied. “He follows the word of the Lord with an impeccable dedication.”

I nearly laughed at that statement. It didn’t make any sense. Not one little piece of it.

“If he believes in God as you say he does, how could he do these things?”

Bob leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his hair. “That is the question those of us in the mental health profession ask ourselves daily.” He sighed looking very tired and maybe even a bit fed up. “It’s an answer you’ll never find.”

I bit my bottom lip while I thought this over. None of this made any sense. I knew being a nut caused someone to do odd things, cruel things, but to go to this extreme caused my mind to lack any sort of understanding. I needed more answers to understand Chad better. “So he lives by the words in the Bible then?”

Bob confirmed my suspicion with a firm nod. “To the exact word. It’s what caused the murder of his mother.”

“Say that again?” Chase butted in.

“His mother was an obsessed Christian. She home-schooled the boy and his only lessons where that of the Lord. She drilled it into his mind and was abusive if he disobeyed. She was a very malicious woman and beat him with a belt for his failures.”

His eyes flashed with darkness. “It wasn’t with the leather end either.”

I shook my head, saddened to hear of that. Most of the killers I had the not-so-pleasure of knowing all came from similar backgrounds. Abuse led them to this. I never thought of it as an excuse, though. I’d met mortals who had been through worse and didn’t turn out like this. I also knew the mortal mind was complex and in some situations, the brain warped because of the trauma.

Kellen leaned forward, apparently more interested in the conversation now. “She created a monster then?”

Bob nodded as if Kellen had hit the nail dead on. “It was his only lessons. He learned to obey the words written and lived them. It was all that he knew.”

That all made sense, but there was one part I just couldn’t wrap my head around.

“Why did he kill his mother then?”

“It took ten years for me to understand his mind,” Bob replied. “To piece together what came out of his mouth, after some time, it was apparent that he killed his mother because she sinned.”

Sinned? Huh? “What sin?” I urged him to get on with it with a wave of my hand.

Now, I was just impatient and taken by the conversation as Kellen was. This situation was definitely a first for me.

“She birthed him out of wedlock.”

Chase guffawed. “Are you telling me that he killed his own mother because she had him?”

Bob nodded with no amusement in his demeanour. “From what I learned of him, he thought there was no other choice. He was saving her soul.”

I sat back in the chair, let out a long breath and gulped deeply. “Saving her soul how?”

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