Bless The Beauty - By Stacey Kennedy Page 0,17

would have to be wiped clean—no scorned mortals to run around telling secrets. It created a safety net for vampires. Those were the laws the Vampire Mistresses lived by and every one followed or else they suffered some serious consequences. And I had no interest in being punished by a Mistress. I enjoyed my life too much to screw it up.

“It’s the only way to be together,” I implored he understand all this. “Kellen and I are bound. He gave me time to myself these past years—oh, bunch of years—so I could make something of myself, but…” I glanced up at Kellen to see a superior grin planted on his face, “I realize how wrong it was of me to keep him away.” Then, I looked back at Chase. “I love you, Chase. I want you to stay in my life too.”

Chase huffed, glanced down to his feet where he shuffled them around, apparently mulling this over.

Silence filled the room for well over ten minutes, while Chase looked at the ground.

Kellen seemed uninterested in the present happenings and more fascinated in the interrogation taking place on the other side of the two-way mirror.

Chase finally sighed and raised his gaze to mine. “Let me get this straight.” He pointed between Kellen and me. “You are married under vampire law.”

“That’s right.” I was glad his mind was working again and he was putting things together. That had to be a good sign, right?

Chase glanced at Kellen and continued, “You are back in her life as her husband. But you don’t mind that she continues to have a relationship with me?”

Kellen nodded and looked bored. “That is what was said, yes.”

Chase gave his head a shake then looked directly at me. “Even though he is back in your life, you still want to have a relationship with me?”

“Of course I do.” Tears were on the brink of forming. I restrained them as bloody tears would likely upset him and I’d done enough of that already.

Chase crossed his arms over his chest which lowered my hand from his forearm, and gave me an expression I’d seen before. He was deep in thought. He worried his bottom lip in his mouth. After a final bite of his bottom lip he said, “This is by far the most fucked up thing I have ever heard, you do realize this?”

“It’s the only way you will have her, chum,” Kellen responded. His expression turned to one of a challenge. “Do you love her enough to share her?”

It seemed like a valid question, but I knew Kellen. He was challenging and testing Chase’s character. If Kellen didn’t believe he would be loyal to me, that he deserved these feelings I had for him, he would have wiped his memories in a flash regardless of how I felt on the matter.

That was Kellen. Always acting on what he thought best for me, which was one of the reasons I left when I had. I liked making my own decisions. I sent a little warning glare Kellen’s way. The determined set of his eyes faded immediately and he sank back against the wall.

Chase let out a deep wavering breath as he met my gaze again. Then, everything about him softened. “Yes, I do.”

I let out a little squeal, lunged forward and ploughed into him. Being around Kellen had let my vampire out to play. I went way too fast toward Chase and hit him harder than I meant to.

We flew backward and landed hard on the ground. Chase let out a loud grunt, but he immediately wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me tight against him. “I’m not saying this is in any way normal, but you aren’t ordinary, are you?”

“No I’m not.” I gasped in shock and joy. I hadn’t really expected this and the happiness within me threatened to explode.

Chase placed his hand at the back of my neck and pulled me even closer. He meet my lips and kissed me with more passion than I’d ever felt from him. His mouth danced with mine as I felt his forgiveness for what I’d done.

When he finally backed away, he smiled in a way that told me everything was going to be all right. “Can you handle two of us?”

It was certainly a challenge I was up for. “Damn right I can.” Then, I grabbed his face, kissed him with pure happiness and love. He was more accepting of my world than I expected him to be. Mortals Copyright 2016 - 2024