Blades of the Banished - Robert Ryan Page 0,73

waited for them. They mounted and rode northward.

Thus ends Blades of the Banished. It brings the Raithlindrath series to a conclusion. Yet the growing power of the south imperils all of Alithoras, and more of the desperate struggle is told in …


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Encyclopedic Glossary

Many races dwell in Alithoras. All have their own language, and though sometimes related to one another, the changes sparked by migration, isolation and various influences often render these tongues unintelligible to each other.

The ascendancy of Halathrin culture, combined with their widespread efforts to secure and maintain allies against elug incursions, has made their language the primary means of communication between diverse peoples.

For instance, a soldier of Esgallien addressing a ship’s captain from Camarelon would speak Halathrin, or a simplified version of it, even though their native speeches stem from the same ancestral language.

This glossary contains a range of names and terms. Many are of Halathrin origin, and their meaning is provided. The remainder derive from native tongues and are obscure, so meanings are only given intermittently.

Some variation exists within the Halathrin language, chiefly between the regions of Halathar and Alonin. The most obvious example is the latter’s preference for a “dh” spelling instead of “th”.

Often, Camar names and Halathrin elements are combined. This is especially so for the aristocracy. No other tribes had such long-term friendship with the Halathrin, and though in this relationship they lost some of their natural culture, they gained nobility and knowledge in return.

List of abbreviations:

Azn. Azan

Cam. Camar

Chg. Cheng

Comb. Combined

Cor. Corrupted form

Duth. Duthenor

Esg. Esgallien

Hal. Halathrin

Leth. Letharn

Prn. Pronounced

Alar: Azn. A strain of horses raised in the southern deserts of Alithoras. Bred for endurance, but capable of bursts of speed. Most valued possession of the Azan people, who measure wealth and status by their number. In their culture, where a person on foot is likely to die between water sources, horse-theft is punished by torture and death.

Alithoras: Hal. “Silver land.” The Halathrin name for the continent they settled after the exodus. Refers to the extensive river and lake systems they found and their appreciation of the beauty of the land.

Aranloth: Hal. “Noble might.” A lòhren.

Aratar: Cor. Hal. “Ara(n)tar(an) – noble father.” A lòhren.

Arawdan: Esg. A Raithlin. Brother to Arawnus.

Arawnus: Esg. A Raithlin. Brother to Arawdan.

Assurah: Azn. A renowned sword-smith of ancient Azanbulzibar, capital city of the Azan people. He was also adept at elùgai, and his work was sought by the rich and powerful of many nations.

Aurochs: The wild forebear of domesticated cattle. They are larger and more aggressive than their tamed descendants and prefer to graze and forage in swamps and wet forests. The “s” at the end of their name is both singular and plural.

Azan: Azn. Desert dwelling people. Their nobility often serve as leaders of elug armies. They are a prideful race, often haughty and domineering, but they also adhere to a strict code of honor.

Brinhain: Comb. Esg & Hal. First element unknown, second “hero.” A captain in Esgallien’s Royal Guard.

Caladhrist: Hal. Prn. Kal-ath-rist. “Gold gorge.” A valley north of Esgallien. Rich in gold and the source of much of the city’s wealth subsequent to the depletion of closer alluvial deposits. Many others mined the valley through the history of Alithoras, including the Letharn. A dangerous place and believed by many to be haunted.

Camar: Cam. Prn. Kay-mar. A race of interrelated tribes that migrated in two main stages. The first brought them to the vicinity of Halathar; in the second, they separated and establish cities along a broad sweep of eastern Alithoras.

Camarelon: Cam. Prn. Kam-arelon. A port city and capital of a Camar tribe. It was founded after Esgallien as the waves of migrating people settled the more southerly lands first. Each new migration tended northward. It is perhaps the most representative of a traditional Camar realm, while Esgallien is the most influenced by Halathrin culture.

Cardoroth: Cor. Hal. Comb. Cam. A Camar city, often called Red Cardoroth. Some say this alludes to the red granite commonly used in the construction of its buildings, others that it refers to a prophecy of destruction.

Careth Nien: Hal. Prn. Kareth nyen. “Great River.” Largest river in Alithoras. Has its source in the mountains of Copyright 2016 - 2024