Blackstone Ranger Charmer - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,50

Temperance couldn’t help but wonder if Rosie and Ginny knew about her and Gabriel being mates. They probably did. Part of her was self-conscious about it, but at the same time, she found herself not minding.

Gabriel’s confession to her had been a shock, but somehow, she’d always known. She may not be a shifter, but something inside her told her that it was true. It was hard to describe that feeling, but it was something akin to her gut instinct about baking and which ingredients would go well together. Somehow, despite not making sense, she and Gabriel just worked.

After she finished eating, she shooed Rosie off into the dining room because it was starting to fill up. Weekends were their busiest time, so she knew she had to get to work as they would soon run out of pies. As she worked, the Russel siblings stayed but mostly kept out of her way. When she took short breaks, she found herself chatting with Ginny.

Gabriel’s sister was no-nonsense and blunt, and while her personality type would normally have repelled Temperance, she couldn’t help but like her. Plus, she loved hearing about Ginny’s travel stories, whether it was hiking to Petra in Jordan or scuba diving in the Maldives. She also grilled Ginny about her favorite foods, and hearing her describe things like the sweet and savory knafeh from Turkey or sticky mango rice from Thailand were already getting her creative juices flowing with ideas for her next recipes.

When she was done for the day, Gabriel coaxed her into going back to his place, though she did make him drive her to the Full Moon Diner to get her car and go back to her place to get a change of clothes. They went back to his condo where Gabriel made them dinner again and then spent the rest of the night making love in his bed.

Temperance had never been the type to crave sex, but with Gabriel, it was like she couldn’t get enough. Plus, he was an amazing lover. Attentive, playful, and considerate, but also dominant in a way that made her want to submit to him. It was almost disappointing to have to leave again for work the next day, but they both had responsibilities.

“Did you get a chance to talk to Damon?” she asked as he walked her to the kitchen door at Rosie’s.

“Yeah, yesterday while you were working,” he said. “Don’t worry, he’s cool with me disappearing. He says he understands, plus, he was too busy with Anna Victoria anyway,” he added with a chuckle.

“Good.” She felt terrible that Gabriel had had to leave the party so abruptly. “I’ll see you after work?”

“Mm-hmm.” He pushed her up against the door. “I’ll miss you until then.” Before she could protest, he kissed her thoroughly, leaving her breathless. “I’ll see you later at the French place at six?”

She stared after him, waiting for him to drive off before she went inside. Time to get to work. As she prepped for her day, she wondered if she had ever been this happy before. Maybe, but she couldn’t remember. Or all those other times were eclipsed by what she was feeling right now.

By the time Rosie came in, she was humming to herself, thinking of tonight when she would see Gabriel again. Rosie flashed her a knowing smile but said nothing and mostly left her alone. Even though she was done at one o’clock, she stayed and worked on her new recipes for the rest of the afternoon, not really wanting to wait in her empty trailer until it was time to meet Gabriel. When she was finished at five, she said goodbye to Rosie and Bridgette and walked out to the parking lot feeling like she was floating on air as she made her way to her car.

“Well now, don’t you look so full of yourself?”

She froze midway as she was reaching for her car door. Slowly, she turned around.

Vicky Woolworth stood behind her; arms crossed over her ample chest displayed in a beautiful low-cut designer dress. However, her perfect outfit, hair, and makeup couldn’t hide the ugly sneer on her face.

“Can I help you?” Temperance asked in a calm voice.

“Sure, you can.” Vicky smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “By leaving me and Gabe alone.”

“Excuse me?” Her arms stiffened at her sides. God, she hated this woman for what she did to Gabriel.

“You poor, pathetic little human,” she cooed. “You really don’t know who you’re dealing with, do you? Copyright 2016 - 2024