Blackstone Ranger Charmer - Alicia Montgomery Page 0,14

like some kid on the first day of kindergarten.”

Though she walked fast, he quickly caught up to her. “Hey, are you mad at me? For the flowers? Or for coming here?”

Was she mad? She wasn’t really sure how she felt, except maybe confused and tired. “I just don’t know what you want from me.”

“Nothing,” he said. “You don’t need to give me anything back.”

It felt like there was an “except” coming there, but she didn’t really have time to play games today. Or any day.

Ignoring him, she got into her car, started the engine and drove away. A few minutes later, there were headlights tailing her on the highway. Blowing out a breath, she continued driving on until she reached the parking lot behind Rosie’s. She had barely opened the door when she heard his voice.


But she ignored his call and scrambled into the restaurant, slamming the door in his face. With a deep sigh, she leaned back against the door and closed her eyes. What was his deal?

“I’ll just be out here until eight,” the muffled voice came through the door. “In case you need me.”

A thrill ran up her spine at his words, but she pushed those confusing emotions aside. If I ignore him, he’ll go away eventually, she told herself as she got ready for the day.

Of course, that was wishful thinking on her part. At lunchtime, another food delivery came, this time from the Italian place down the street. Rosie had raised a brow at her, but remained silent. Then when she came home, there was a not only a huge bouquet of sunflowers sitting on her porch, but a small crown of them around Fred’s head.

How about these? the note on the card began. You’re as bright as sunshine.

Her stomach flip-flopped, and for a brief moment, she felt excitement at those words. But she didn’t even need that negative inner voice to break her down. This just can’t be.

But he keeps coming back. That has to mean something, right?

The truth was, her instincts were so damaged, she didn’t know what to think.

Gabriel wasn’t acting like any man she’d ever met or been with. But she knew his type.

Tony was exactly the same. They were all alike, all those shallow, handsome men who only wanted one thing from a person. Well, in the case of her ex, he wanted two things—get her into bed and support his lazy ass for a year while cheating on her with multiple women.

Getting herself out of that situation had not been easy and had cost her what little she had, but she did it. When she hightailed it out of Chicago, she told herself she would never let herself be fooled by another sweet-talking handsome man. She’d learned her lesson the hard way.

Would Gabriel show up on her doorstep again? She wasn’t going to take the chance, so she set her alarm an hour early the next day. Seeing nothing but darkness out on her porch should have made her feel relieved, but there was a strange disappointment brewing in her. But she ignored it, even as she pulled up to the empty parking lot behind the restaurant.

By the time Rosie came in, there was still no sign of Gabriel. That’s good, she thought. Maybe he got tired of following her around.

“Everything all right?” Rosie asked as she put her apron on.

“Huh? Yeah I’m fine.”

“Then why is your egg wash bowl empty?”

She double blinked before looking down at the bowl and brush in her hands. Apparently, she’d been brushing air on the crusts for about ten minutes. “Oh. Er …”

Rosie sauntered over to the window and slyly glanced out. “No Gabriel today?”

“I wouldn’t know,” she said, reaching for an egg and cracking it into the bowl.

The older woman raised a brow at her. “When are you going to take pity on that poor boy?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

The redhead chuckled. “Ooh, Temperance, you really don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

Dropping the bowl with a loud clatter, she turned to her boss. “No, I really don’t. Maybe you could let me in on the joke, because I’m getting tired of it,” she snapped. Suddenly realizing her outburst, she covered her mouth. “Crap. I’m sorry, Rosie.”

Rosie clucked her tongue. “Oh, sweetie, no. I’m the one who should apologize.” Walking over to her, she placed a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. “Maybe I should have told you.”

“Told me what?”

“That Gabriel—”

The back door bursting open interrupted her as a large, fast blur Copyright 2016 - 2024