Blackout - By Tom Barber Page 0,103

the cause of injury and I told him torture. Don’t think he knew if I was joking or not.'

Cobb smiled.

There was a pause.

Archer stood there, his holdall in his hand. Cobb took a drink of coffee and looked at him.

'So this is it then,' he said.

Archer nodded.

'Yes, sir. I guess so.'

'You're sure this is what you want?'

'Yes, sir. I'm sure.'

There was a pause. Cobb saw the look on Archer's face.

'Don't feel bad, son. I understand. Truth be told, I've seen it on your face ever since you got back last summer. You've got itchy feet.'

'It's not this place,' Archer explained. 'I love it here, sir. I love the team, everyone here. Being under your leadership. But I'm half American. I can't deny that. That's my home too. I want to work there whilst I’m still young. I have to. Right now feels like the right time.'


Cobb nodded.

'You know that I'll always have a spot for you here, no matter what,' his boss said. 'All you need to do is pick up the phone. I mean it. Any time of day, month or year. You've earned that with everything you've done, everything you did for me and my family and the rest of the men.'

He nodded.

'I knew the moment you walked in for interview during selection that you were special. And you've outdone every expectation I ever had for you. You've done some amazing work here, Archer. I've watched you grow up, literally, in front of my eyes these past two years.'

'Thank you, sir.'

'Are you sure I can't convince you to stay?'

Archer smiled.

'I'll be back someday. If you'll take me, of course.'

'You know I will. I look forward to it.'

Pause. Archer stood there, his bag in his hand, ready to go.

'So where next?' Cobb asked.

Archer smiled. 'Honestly?'

'As always.'

'I was thinking New York City. I was thinking the NYPD.'

'That sounds perfect. I know some people over there. I'll provide my recommendation and see if we can get things moving for you. You’ll have to retrain of course, but that should be a breeze for you.'

'Yes, sir. Thank you.'

There was a pause. Then Cobb rose from his chair and walked round his desk and offered his hand. Archer shook it.

‘Good luck, Arch.’

Archer nodded. Then he turned and walked out of the freshly repaired office.

He walked into the briefing room and saw his team-mates there, all of them save for Fox and Chalky. He said goodbye to them all one by one, embracing and shaking hands, then turned and headed downstairs to the exit. By the stairs, he saw Nikki was waiting for him. He walked forward and stood there in front of her, both of them looking at each other silently. Then Nikki moved forward and hugged him.

‘Thank you,’ she said, quietly, into his ear.

After a few moments they parted and she wiped tears from her eyes.

‘Shit. This is embarrassing,’ she said.

‘It’s OK. I have this effect on most women,’ he joked. She laughed, then her smile faded and she looked at him.

‘Come back soon, you hear?’

‘I will.’

He smiled and reached forward, taking her hand and squeezing it. Then he released it and headed down the stairs towards the lower floor and the exit.

He took a last look down the corridor, then pushed open the main door.

And ran into Chalky, leaning against the wall outside.

He was standing there alone in the morning daylight, dressed in jeans and a navy blue polo shirt.

'There you are,’ Archer said. ‘Thought I'd missed you,'

Chalky shook his head and kicked off the wall, standing there beside his best friend. There was a long silence, the distant sounds of early morning London filling the air. Chalky broke it.

'So you're really leaving?'

Archer nodded. 'Yeah. Afraid so.'

'When will you be back?'

'I don't know. But guess I'll have to come back sometime soon. You need someone here to keep you out of trouble.'

Chalky grinned.

'Tell you what, I think that guy with the knife did you a favour, Arch,’ he joked. ‘I always told you your face needed some work done to it.'

There was a pause as Archer smiled.

Then the two best friends stepped forward and embraced. They parted, stepping back, and shook hands.

‘And thanks,’ Chalky said.

‘For what?’

‘For everything.’


'I'd better head up. Don't want to piss off Cobb or Porter or I’ll be joining you,' Chalky said.

He nodded.

‘Take care, Arch.'

'You too.'

Archer nodded as his best friend turned and headed into the building, moving up the stairs and disappearing out of sight. Slinging his holdall back over his shoulder, Archer took one last look Copyright 2016 - 2024