Blackmailing Mr. Bossman (Billionaire Heists #2) - Anna Hackett Page 0,35

beams of light.

“Come on,” he said.

They hurried through the darkness. He stepped in a puddle, and felt water seep into his shoes. He muttered a curse.

They reached the back wall.

“I want you to see this,” a man’s voice said.

The lights were cutting through the darkness, moving closer toward Aspen and Liam.

“Down.” Aspen hit him and they dropped to the dirty floor. “Shh.” She pressed a hand over his mouth.

He stayed still, with her body pressed against his.

A light shone on the wall above their heads.

“And over here.” The lights moved away.

“Crawl,” she whispered.

They crawled along the dirty floor. This was not how Liam had planned to spend his day.

The voices got quieter.

“Look.” She nudged him.

He saw the rectangle of light set in the wall. It was the outline around an old metal door.

“Let’s go.” He rose and opened the door, then dragged her outside.

They jogged down the street and turned. More old warehouses lined the streets.

No one followed them.

“Thank God.” She stopped and looked at him. Then she snort-laughed. “You’re filthy.”

Liam glanced down and saw that his hands were black, his white shirt was smeared with grime, and he’d probably have to throw his suit out.

Damn it. It was a bespoke Gieves & Hawkes.

Aspen hadn’t fared much better. She had black smears on her cheeks, and her clothes were dirty. Her jacket was stained with…well, he wasn’t quite sure what it was.

“We can’t go back to the office like this,” he said. “We’ll stop by my place and clean up.”


I stood in the huge shower, the size of my entire bathroom, and washed my hair.

I seriously coveted this bathroom. Liam had given me his master bath, and said that he’d shower in a guest room. The guy had four other bathrooms to choose from.

Desperately, I was trying not to think about the fact that Liam stood in this very spot every day, naked, with water cascading over him.

Heat curled in my belly.

With a groan, I dumped my head under the water.

Think about Nexus, Aspen. Think about poor Jake.

My thoughts turned to the Bronx warehouse.

What the hell were they after in that place? The place was a dirty, crumbling mess. There was nothing inside of it. Why the hell were they poking holes in the walls?

All I had were lots of questions, and no answers. I climbed out of the shower and dried off with a huge, fluffy towel. I’d sponged the worst of the dirt off my slacks, but my shirt and jacket were write offs.

In my bra and panties, I toweled my hair dry, then bundled it up damp on my head.

I needed to borrow a shirt.

When I stepped into Liam’s glorious bedroom, I paused.

It was so nice. The huge bed was covered with a soft, gray comforter and lots of pillows. A rich-looking, cream rug was centered under the bed. I’d put a tall plant in the corner. Some smaller ones on the dresser.

Quit redecorating the man’s bedroom. I saw a white button up shirt laid out on the bed and smiled.

I pulled it on and moaned. So soft. I was going to steal it. I buttoned it up, and my gaze snagged once again on the view of the city.

“Hey, are you decent?” Liam appeared in the doorway.

I spun. His gaze flared, seeing me in his shirt, then slowly drifted down my bare legs.

Lots of places blazed to life inside me. I cleared my throat. “You haven’t showered yet?”

He was still in his ruined shirt, tie, and trousers.

“I got a call from the office.” He cocked his head. “What are you wearing under that?”

I rolled my eyes. “None of your business.”

He grinned. He was so damn handsome. No one had the right to be so gorgeous. It was unfair to us mere mortals.

“It’s nearly lunch time. Why don’t you see what I have in the kitchen for us to eat before we head back to the office?”

“Sure.” I could manage a sandwich without poisoning our taste buds.

But Liam still didn’t move. “I really like you in my shirt, Aspen.”

“Fair warning, I’m stealing it.”

He crossed the room, and suddenly I got the feeling like a predator had entered my space.

“Keep your distance, Kensington.” Wow, that sounded really unconvincing.

He stopped, just inches between us. My hands itched to touch him. To rip those clothes off and drag him to the floor.

“I’ll stay right here,” he said. “Think you can keep your hands off me?”

“I don’t know how you walk around with that big head all day.”

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